"I missed you.." - L/N

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CREDIT - skellydots
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Summary - Lo'ak/Neteyam has had a long night at work, missing his one and only Y/n
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Lo'ak POV-

I finally finished my Night Shift, I can FINALLY go home to Y/nn I've been missing her for a long time.

When I got home I saw her cooking, "Oh, hi love!" She said sweetly, "Hi baby," I walked up to her and grabbed her waist, hugging her from behind "Are you hungry?, need a snack?, do you want anything?" She asked altogether "I just want you.." I mumbled in her neck, I felt her laugh a little "alright Lo, how about you go for a shower and we can hug all you want"

(A/n - I swear if anyone of yous say ThEy DoNt hAvE sHoWeRs it's fiction, it ain't fucking real)

"Aww" I groaned, letting go of her "Promise all the hugs and kisses?.." I asked her before going just to make sure "Yes" she laughed "Yay!!" I cheered tiredly

After I had, had my shower I went to Y/n. She was just sitting on the edge of the home tree "Like the view my love?" I asked "yeah, it's beautiful" It was a rainy day, Y/n loved it when it rained. She could see the reflecting on each other while the raindrops fell "You smell nice" she said as I hugged her "So I didn't smell nice when I got back?" I said sarcastically while placing my hand on my chest "yeah" she giggled while I just looked offended.

And that whole time we just hugged, watching the raindrops fall far from the sky.



Neteyam POV-

"Alright I'm gonna go now" I yelled out "Bye Teyam!" Lo'ak yelled back, I had just finished my Night Shift, it was tiring. All I wanted to do was hug Y/n, and mainly lie down. Why? I'm tired asf

When I had finally gotten home, my first move was to go to Y/n, who had been sitting down playing with Tuk "Shit, sorry mind my language Tuk. When did you get here?, I didn't even hear you" she asked as she hugged me back and gave a peck on the lips "Just now," I said as I kissed her "EWWW DONT EAT Y/N'S FACE OFF TEYAMM!!!!" Tuk squealed as she ran out and both me and Y/n laughed "I'll come back, I'm gonna have a shower and then I'm gonna be holding onto you FOREVER" I said sarcastically at the last of my sentence "Ok" Y/n giggled a little

When I was done I saw Y/n just sitting down on my bed

(A/n - it's only fiction, no hate pls ppl)

doing nothing, only playing with her fingers "Hey love" I said hugging her "hi" she yawned "Tired?" I asked as I laid her down "mhm" she hummed, coming close to my chest "is it alright if we go to sleep?.." she mumbled "Yeah, no need to ask babe" I said as I held her close "Night love.." she said last before drifting off to sleep "goodnight princess" I replied and then also falling into deep sleep


When I do L/N it means both but in different story's and when I do L&N it means both are in the same story 👍👍👍.

WC- 558

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