"Sit down. Now." - N

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CREDIT - Justreadin_cld9 & Han6612 ans others who asked for a neteyam sickness imagine <3
Summary - Neteyam was ill and needed to be taken care of. But him being sick meaning he was moody and only wanted Y/n.

Lo'ak POV-

"YOUR FINALLY HERE!!" I said to Y/n hugging her "Hey! Hands off" Neteyam snapped "I wish you good luck dear friend." I pat her shoulders "I do too" she smiled "Oh uh his medicine is on the side of his bed, and uhhh if you need anything feel free to ask!" I said leaving - finally I'm out that kid was annoying. And I thought I was moody while I was sick -

Y/n POV-

"Y/n!!" Neteyam cheered "hi Teyam!" I cheered back "Soo I am assuming you had your medicine?" I asked looking at him "Uh. Yeah?" He lied "Neteyam." I said "Well I got to go to the bathroom Y'know, sickness!" He said fake coughing

"Sit down. Now."

I Said serious "Yes Ma'am." He sat back on the bed and started to cough for real "We're gonna take your medicine and your gonna like, alright?" I say putting the medicine on the wooden spoon "Awww... I HATE MEDICINE, ITA YUCK!" He whined "I can agree but if you want to get better you gotta take it" I shrugged trying to give it to him "Then you'll cuddle with me?" He asked with his Yellowish greenish eyes "Yes yes I will" I laugh "YAYY" he took the medicine and pulled me "now I have you all to myself!!" He said happily "I missed you" "I know you did" I giggle as I hugged his chest "your so warm." I said softly and I felt him chuckle


Bro it's so late for me, I mean like I ain't complaining but I'm tired asf HOPE U ENJOYED !

WC- 310

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