"Back off. Now." - N

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No one's POV-

Great night to go out, have dinner with the family, watch the ocean waves, feel the the breeze.. But that night wasn't going well for Y/n Y/l/n (your last name), she had a fight with one of her closest friends, Tarya. Tarya has been Y/n's friend since they were three, but tonight their fight was a fight that they had never had before.

"YOU CANT JUST GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Y/n yells "SO WHAT.?, I CAN AND I WILL!!" Tarya yells back "OH MY FUCK, YOUR GONNA GET A BEATING YOUVE NEVER HAD BEFORE TARYA" Y/n yells walking up to her "WHAT? JUST A SMALL PUN-" y/n swings her fist so hard into Tarya's chin it had a bruise "o-ow. Fucking hell Yn!" Tarya speaks then slapping y/n in the face "FUCKING BITCH, YOU KISSED MY BOYFRIEND" "OH SO HES MAGICALLY YOURS NOW?" This fight goes on for about 4 minutes and then Neteyam and Kiri comes in "HEY HEY CHILL YOU TWO" Kiri shouts pulling Tarya away from Y/n "OH MY EYWA, Y/N ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" Neteyam says holding y/n by her waist and looking at her "I'm fine." She said still angry

Neteyam POV-

"I'm fine." She sounds angry. "You clean Tarya and I'll clean Y/n up, alright?" I look at Kiri as she nods. We both leave "what was that fight about?" I ask "Neteyam.. tell me the truth. Did you kiss her." How did she find out?, I mean I didn't like Tarya she kissed me and I pulled away. To be honest it was disgusting "Neteyam?" She asks sadly "Well. She did, not me" I tell the truth "promise your telling the truth?" She says sticking her pinky out "promise" I smile interlocking my pinky with hers "Damn Y/n you've got a huge bruise, are you alright?" I say lifting her face "yeah I am" she looks like she's gonna tear up "I'm sorry I wasn't there fast enough" I hug her tightly "it's fine
Neteyam, but please watch out for my face it hurts a little" she whimpered a little "yep sorry" I back up slowly "well thank you" she smiles at me and gets down from the seat she was on "be careful!" I yell out "yeah I will!"

Next day

I was kinda pissed Tarya touched Y/n. Leaving a bruise on her?, what the actual fuck. I wasn't gonna hit her I was gonna say something to her. Just then I see her with y/n, and y/n wasn't doing anything, she was just sitting there. I go closer to hear what she was saying

"Great Job y/n, now half of the Sully family hates me because of you!" She shouts "please just leave me alone, I don't feel like talking right now. My face hurts" y/n pleads "No cause you hit me and it doesn't hurt that much, so quit whining" Tarya snaps "Hey Tarya" I say coming out of where I was "o-oh hi Neteyam" she greets me, but all I could think and see is Y/n she's looks tired and sad "Y/n asked if you could back off, she said please" I say polite "But N- Neteyam she punched me a-"

"Back off. Now."

I stare at her deeply "Y-yes Neteyam." Tarya leaves and Y/n hugs me from behind. Well not a hug more of a 'I'm tired take me to bed' hug "thanks Love.." she yawns "let's just get you to bed" I chuckle


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