"You alright?" - N

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C - nrksecrets_
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Summary - Neteyam and Y/n have hated each other since they were born. But things change?
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Song - idek
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"Watch where your going," Neteyam said almost rudely, Neteyam and I aren't really the type of bonding people when it comes to us two. We don't really work out together or either do shit with each other, why?, because we hate each other.

Or so I thought.
Hours later

Just after school while I was going back to my home tree, I heard explosions at the back from me "GET DOWN!" I heard someone, I then got pulled by someone and that someone saved my life. You see (I ain't dhar man) if I didn't get saved I wouldn't been dead with my head flying off my body. Decapitated. I looked to see who it was and it was.. "You alright?" Neteyam Sully. The person who hates me, "y- yeah I'm fine, thanks- uh.. what's happening?" I ask as we got up "Sky people," he huffed then running "Can I help!!, PLEASE!" I yelled and saw him stop at his tracks "Don't get hurt or die. That's the least you can do when your 'Helping' me" He says then going "So it's a yes?" "YES"

Hours in battle

I was going down on another flying thingy but I was too late. I felt like life flashed before my eyes- I had been saved. Once again. By Neteyam, My Ikran and I were suppose to kill the sky person but my Ikran got hit, I felt guilty. I had thought I had gotten killed the same time she did, but I didn't. Like I said Neteyam saved me

"You alright princess"

He said, breathing heavy "Yeah, thanks again. For helping me." I got up from his arms on his Ikran and sat at the back.

Just quietly.

Not saying a word.


After that battle had died out, I had this feeling around Neteyam even I as in myself couldn't control. It was this strong feeling you get when you see someone you love or like. I had that feeling. And I hated it, listen I like it at the same time as well but I don't know how he might feel, he might feel disgusted or disappointed I like him and end up hating me even more, I was heading to his home tree anyways since everyone was fixing the place up from what the sky people had damaged.

After us Na'vi had cleaned, I decided to tell Neteyam my feelings


I say


He answers

"Can I s- speak with y- you for a moment?.."

I don't know why I was stuttering, it was just my enemy.

I had told him. He looked shocked "look I know you hate me and shi-"

"Who said I hated you, Darling?"



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