"But I love you." - N

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Human Y/n x Neteyam

No one's POV-

Neteyam and Y/n have been the best of friends since she was born. Y/n is a human and Neteyam was a Avatar. But little did Y/n know, Neteyam had a huge crush on her, and she did too. Everyone could see it but they couldn't. They had their ups and downs with each other but still carried on to look for each other, but Y/n had to sadly move, her parents had said Y/n was getting incredibly sick and they needed more help with her. Y/n and Neteyam Said goodbye to eachother and Neteyam laid a soft little kiss on her forehead. "Goodbye Y/n.. I'll remember you and miss you forever." He waved. But that was four years ago, Y/n had traveled back to Pandora and was happy to be back. Smelling the air, seeing the beautiful butterflies fly around, seeing different species of animals. But she was dying to see Neteyam again.

Y/n POV-

Back home, where I missed being the most. I walked through the forest looking at all types of flowers and plants and flying insects. It was beautiful, but it didn't last long  when I heard a sound. I quickly looked behind myself and saw a shadow figure, "SURPRISE!!" "SHIT" I fell backwards "YO YOU GOOD?, IM SO FUCKING SORRY" I looked at the Avatar scanning them, it took me a couple of minutes to recognise who it was... "Lo'ak?" I ask "that's right, THE ONE AND ONL-" "only Lo'ak Sully" I finish off "it's great to see you Y/n. We missed you" he smiled as I got up "how are you?" I ask "I'm good, 18 now" he said proudly "really??, that's surprising you don't look like you grew up" I giggle "hey!!, I am grown up" he whines "well since your here wanna come see everyone?" "I can't climb shit Lo'ak" "oh yeah, ummmmm.... I could throw you??? Or carry you??" "I rather carry than get throw across Pandora"

Lo'ak picked me up gently and climbed the trees, swinging to one tree to another. As he took me I looked at the beauty of Pandora.. it was beautiful, the floating mountains, the flying butterflies, the flowers everything was amazing!!.

"We're here" he gently put me down "it's still the same" I smile "yep, Kiri's here if you would like to see her" he walked off, I sit on the ground still admiring the land of Pandora. I'm happy to be back, breathing the fresh air, not having to stay in all the time. It felt good. It still hurts how I had to be away for four years, just then I heard something come close towards me

"Y/n?" It was Neytiri and Jake "hi" I said quickly getting up "so so sorry for sitting here randomly" I looked down and they just laughed "no no it's fine, how are you?" Jake had asked "I'm much much better now" I smile warmly looking back up "that's good, where's your parents?, do they know where you are?" "Yes they do know I'm here, their just back at the home" I answer "that's great to hear your back!, we all missed you" they give me a small hug since their taller than me "Well we better go, see you maybe later tonight?" Neytiri had said "yes, see you soon" I wave them goodbye and their gone.

As the day passes I walk back into the forest to find a spot I use to go to when I was overwhelmed or sad. It was called 'Y/n and Neteyam's spot ONLY' it was a cute name I suppose. I liked it. Having our own spot to go to. As I walk to it I see someone, Neteyam maybe? "Hey" I say sitting next to them "hi," "What are you doing here?" I asked

Neteyam POV-

They had asked, I guess it wouldn't hurt telling them. I haven't seen my best friend Y/n in a long time. "I'm here in memory of someone I loved once." I had answered "if you don't mind me asking, who?" They asked "her name was Y/n Y/l/n, she had the prettiest smile, the prettiest hair and a amazing personality. She's was beautiful" I had blurred out. "What happened?" "She was sadly sick. She couldn't be cured here, so she left with her parents to go to another place. I still haven't given up on her, I still have hope that she's here. Alive. Eywa had given me a sign she was here." I looked at the water "that's good. Because she's right here." She touched me. "Y/N?!" I looked at her with tears forming in my eyes "yes" she smiled "Y- YOUR BETTER! AND YOUR NOT H- HURT OR S- SICK" I picked her up lightly not wanting to hurt her a bit "yep.. and uh. Neteyam." "Yes?" "U- um. Please p- put me d- down." She closed her eyes, "shit sorry, I forgot you were scared of heights" I put her down "thanks, it's great to FINALLY see you" she said happily "got a girlfriend yet" she said sarcastically and starts laughing "what?, nah" I answer "still too ugly I see" she starting laughing harder "AY? NAH." I pout, I have a idea. "Hey y/n." I get close to her "y- yeah." She had a slight blush on her face "HAHA YOU BLUSHED! SO YOU ARE FALLING FOR ME" I laugh and back away

Y/n POV-

He laughed, "WHAT N- NO." I was lying, I was already falling for Neteyam. Ever since I ten I fell for him, but I just never told anyone apart from Kiri. I suppose you could day he didn't like me back, he would only tease me. "Y/n?" He asked me making me snap out of my mind "oh sorry, yeah?" I looked at him "do you have a boyfriend..?" "Nah, I don't pull any bitchs." I giggle to myself "You like Alyara?, I heard before I got back" I say turning back to the waterfall "no" he replied simply "you should, she looks perfect for you" "nah, don't think she is." "But-"

"Yeah, but I love you Y/n."

My heart skipped a beat, "wait. Your lying. Stop playing Neteyam." I said standing up as he still looked at me "it's true. I've liked you since we were nine. YEAH I KNOW THAT SOUNDS WEIRD ASF" he laughed at the end "but your family?, and what if they say I'm a freak for dating a Avatar?, what happens if I get called out WHAT IF-" "Y/n chill, dating? so you do like me?" Shit. I just exposed myself, well it wasn't really exposing it was like confessing?? I don't know "yeah. Is that bad or?" "Really?, like your not lying??" "No, I'm telling the truth. I've liked you since I was 10.." "why didn't you tell me?" He asked confused "I just might have thought you didn't like me or you would stop being my friend and start hating me." I answer "Y/n.. I would never hate a beautiful girl like you. Your my world. And about my family? It's fine if you want to stay as friends or.. um." "Have a relationship?, I would be proud to Neteyam" I smiled while I blushed "really? Like as in Neteyam and Y/n official?" He asked "yes of course"



WC- 1264

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