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Something happened to Narnia, Something Horrendous. 


  THEY took the clothes that closely fit on them. Hera wore a white square collar chemise dress that rest to her ankles and topped with a Peacock blue cotehardie and a silver with golden linings corset with her Crossbow at her back and a bag with her formal dress and her crown. the dress she wore when she declare that she will not entertain any marriage proposal if they are not worthy of her being. 

She smiled at the mere memory of her standing in the center while men were grunting in pain on her ground. 

before she was dragged back by Susan to do her duties. 

"Gladly I accidentally left my crown on the castle" said Hera.

"I wish I did too. I love that Crown" said Lucy.

"I'm pretty much worried about my horn at this moment" Susan chuckles.

"Why would you bring it with you?" Peter asked Hera. She glared at him while putting the sword holster on her waist and put Orion's Sword in there. 

"What? If they need proof that I'm a royalty I need to show them my crown." Said and now wearing her shoes. Lucy giggled in joy on seeing Hera had her joyful, sassy personality is back. 

"And the dress?" Edmund asked.

"For formalityleave me alone, will you?" Hera answered with a flush of embarrassment on her cheeks making Edmund laugh at her.  when they went out and ventured around a little they saw something horrible.

"Susan!" Hera exclaimed when she saw two solders holding a dwarf and ready to throw into the lake. Susan took an arrow and shoot and groaned a little when she shot the bow instead earning their attention.

Hera took out her Crossbow and loaded it while Susan did the same.

"Drop him!" Susan Yelled the soldier did drop the dwarf, into the water. Hera frowned and looked at Susan in Disbelief. 

"Drop him?" She asked when shot the soldier who was pointing at them with his wooden Crossbow and fell into the water. Edmund and Peter came rushing into the water and to save the Dwarf while the two soldiers jumped into the water to escape. 

"what do you think I supposed to say?" Susan Asked back in frustration.

"Uhh Let him go?" Hera shot back making Susan looked at her flatly.

"They're the same thing!" She exclaimed making Hera stunned and blinked. 

"They are?... oh" She answered.

Peter got the dwarf while Edmund got the boat. the girls ran to them. Lucy drew her dagger and cut the ropes. The dwarf turned around to his stomach as he pulled his nuzzle off and spat some water.

The dwarf stagger and sway as he stood and glared at Susan. Hera winced knowing he wasn't that thankful after what Susan had just said.

" Drop him?! That's the best you can come up with?" The Dwarf growled at Susan.

"A simple 'thank you' would suffice" Susan scoffed.

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