10 - Epiphany

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Someone said one thing. Peace is not an achievement, but a responsibility. Probably not for everyone.

Like Jyn, the others were quite surprised themselves. No, one could not call it surprised. It was more like being stunned by what was revealed to them. Along with Flag and Deadshot, none other than Amanda Waller herself came through the door of the back room. Calling herself HVT-One was not art, it was just pathetic. Resources, enough to get out of here unscathed, possessed the.

Very slowly, those of the troupe still seated stood up; all of them approached Waller and formed a semi-circle around her. There was no need to ask for an explanation now, it was a matter of course to get one. However, Flag only said that he was going home now, but no one from the group made the slightest effort to move.

"Yeah, let's go home," Boomerang scoffed and looked around, "That sounds great. Do you guys want to go back home? Or back to prison?"

"I'm not going back to prison," Harley assured, more than a little devastated.
"What I'm saying is....," Boomerang continued unperturbed, looking to Waller, "We better kill these guys now before they kill us all."

"I'll handle this," immediately Waller pushed Katana back and began waving her cell phone in the air, showing the same image as the one on Flag's monitor on his wrist, "You've all made it this far. So now don't get cocky and ruin this good thing again."

"I hope you die," Jyn let Waller know as she passed them, thereby stopping and looking back at her, "Hopefully..... someone kills her. Or their damn helicopter crashes with them. I don't care which way. (The) main thing is it's painful, excruciating and it takes a long time. A very, very, very long time and there's nothing you can do about it. Just watch them die miserably knowing no one will come to their rescue. Sometimes...."

But Deadshot tapped Jyn on the shoulder, causing her to stop talking. It was getting nowhere anyway. This bitch had the longer leverage. The much longer lever. To make matters worse, Croc had to say he liked Waller. Good for him. With that, with that opinion, he was pretty much the only one. Slowly, she really lacked the words to describe this person.

Back on the roof, Jyn began to wander there senselessly back and forth until that helicopter came. Certainly not for the troops Amanda had assembled for her rescue. More likely just for herself, Flag and the Bravo team.

"I have a question," Jyn asked GQ thoughtfully, who was pacing with his hand to his ear, "What actually happens to us now? After all, we're not needed anymore so are we going to be blown up now or what's the big plan with us?"
"What?" distracted by her question, GQ turned and furrowed his eyebrows, "You're coming back to the Belle Reve...... as discussed..... Savior One-Zero this is ground unit....... Savior One-Zero do you copy?"

Uh-oh, that doesn't sound good. Well, who will have fucked up there? Even the third time I radioed Savior One-Zero to tell them that the runway was clear, there was no response. Mmhh.... what could that mean? A helicopter hovering in the air right in front of them but not responding? Sweety, you're not that stupid. Definitely not. A unit of criminals that included other people, but they were at large. So the only question was, whose people were they? Deadshot, lone wolf, no. Harley, Joker, possible. Croc, loner, no. Diablo, voluntarily incarcerated, no. Boomerang, teamless, no.

Whatever the case, it took quite an eternity for anyone, in this case Flag, to understand/conceive that the helicopter was now flying under someone else's wings. So what was the first thing that came to Flag's mind? How could it be otherwise. Shoot it down. Immediately the fire was opened. On both sides, mind you. Because gradually the helicopter turned its tail towards them and one man started to fire at the Seal's. But in addition there was a guy who was firing like crazy. In addition, however, still another type came, which shot like wildly around itself. That was not true, was it? Joker. A grand entrance with fireworks. Diva. Pushed behind a wall of ventilation equipment, Jyn peered over the top edge and watched as Harley took off her jacket and, after a few normal steps, took a running jump at the rope dangling from the helicopter a good six feet from the tower.

No sooner was Harley hanging from the rope and gyrating on it than the helicopter set off to get far away. Now that the hail of bullets had died down, Waller came out of hiding and ordered Deadshot to shoot Harley. But since Harley hadn't done anything to him, he refused this order, but Waller, being a hitman, gave him the order to shoot Harley Quinn for his freedom and his daughter. As if. So simple. As if Waller's word was worth anything. It wasn't worth anything at all. Especially since this action was pretty lousy.

Still reason enough for Deadshot to accept this 'job' and shoot Harley. Then suddenly, a shot and Harley rolled down the rope. Seriously? Was it really worth it? But not a moment later, Harley was already doing her shenanigans on the rope again and Deadshot just told Waller that he had missed. The guy who never misses and hits everything was missing now of all times. However, that was far from the end of it. The order to shoot down the helicopter followed in the train of it not a moment later. And that Harley and the Joker were dead came already two-three minutes after the order was given. Such people we like, such we find simply sympathetic. Couldn't this woman have just died in that shootout?

Just when you think it couldn't get any better, you're proven wrong. In this case, that the emergency helicopter was intended only for Waller alone and Flag, the Bravo team and the troops should wait for the next helicopter. Certainly because there was almost certainly a second one on the way. Somehow this had been seen beforehand.

"Great boss, huh GQ?" snorted Jyn and was about to walk to the edge of the building when she caught something interesting, "She's no better than some criminals. At least she's dead now."

According to Edwards, who was in contact with headquarters, yes, and yet there was new mission, which was to get Waller a second time. So recovering dead bodies wasn't really part of Jyn's job description or area of expertise now, nor did she have a particularly strong desire to do so. I'm sure the others agreed with that.

Down on the street, however, the troop was greeted by a completely soaked Harley, which was lolling on the roof of a car. Even the reason why she had returned was more than just a lie and everyone knew it. Be forgiven her, though. Her luck, Joker's bad luck. Was this deranged man finally dead after all. Thanks to Waller. Had this woman done a meaningful thing in her life after all.

Unfortunately, and somehow it had been obvious, Waller's helicopter was empty. No goddamn body. And dead bodies don't just walk away so they can't be found. Ah ah, no they don't. However, this empty helicopter had brought one good thing: answers. With full force and pissed off, Deadshot hurled a fat file in Flag's direction and insisted that he finally tell the truth. Of course Flag knew everything. From the very beginning.

"Fuck you," Jyn snapped at Flag before Flag even opened his mouth, and stood right in front of him, "Do you really think they'll believe anything you tell us here? Bullshit. You're just as much of a fucked up asshole as the rest of these government types. Lying all the way to the......",
"Hey, come.... now..... enough....." to get Jyn away from Flag, Edwards grabbed her lightly by the upper arm but she fought back and when he didn't let go, she turned to him and pressed the knife blade against his throat, causing him to raise his hands defensively, "Okay..... everything cool..... are we cool?"
"Shut up," Jyn retorted grumbling, exhaling and putting her knife away before banging the bottom of her fist joylessly against GQ's raised hand, "Are cool..... Honestly Flag, you start giving us shit, one of us is going to notice. Slowly I would guess, most are with their patience namely at the end. Your chance."

A witch. This mission would be about a witch and a non-human being that had appeared in a subway station a few days ago. That sounded wonderful up to this point. But this witch was in the body of a normal woman. Possessed. Even better. Whatever this being in the tunnels was, only this witch could approach it. Even Flag had to unnecessarily admit that it had been a stupid idea to give the witch a bomb to destroy the being. The woman or witch had simply run away. Wow, what a surprise. Completely unexpected. That was it. The whole time it was about a witch and a non-human being. Great. This would have been a reason to applaud, but Jyn didn't feel like it. Not one bit.

A reason for Deadshot to go out for a drink and he didn't care if Flag killed or not. Either way, he would go for a drink.

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