18 - Victory

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Expired. Its expiration date had passed.

With full force, Jyn Flag slammed his back against the wall, pressed her left forearm into his throat, and let her knife snap open before his eyes. Team. And yet Flag had done nothing to stop GQ from blowing himself up with that bomb. What a clusterfuck. Unfortunately for Flag, however, GQ belonged to a different team.

"Hey," but Jyn stuck her arm out in Deadshot's direction and pointed the knife at him, "Woah..... now let's all just calm down and put the guns down. Diablo asked for it."

"You really think I'm all about the firebug?", Jyn barked at Deadshot and took Flag's arm, but instead of leaving the latter alone, she just slowly buried her fingernails in his face, "I just lost someone on my team. Yes?! I pretty much don't give a shit about you right now. Do you really think he has long to live if anyone in particular finds out that GQ is dead thanks to him? His days are numbered. Shelf life expired."

"Can we still sort this out later?", Flag pressed out, drawing Jyn's full attention again, "First the witch, then everything else. After all, we still want to live to see tomorrow."

"You know what Flag! I hope you die. And the witch, or rather, your girlfriend right along with you," snorting, she folded her knife and turned her to the witch bitch, not taking her eyes off Flag at first, "You deserve each other."

Turning completely to face the witch, Jyn saw her drop to her knees on the ground. True. This one had just lost her brother like that. Funny. How funny.

Slowly, the group walked towards this bitch, with not much really visible. The explosion, which made everything full of dust, didn't make it easy for them to see or breathe. Before the group could even take a quick look at the hole in the ground created by the explosion, Deadshot threatened the witch that she would be next.

"My spell is complete," this bitch replied, unimpressed, "With you and your armies dead, my darkness will flow around the entire world. And I will rule over it."

If this world ruler act wasn't bad enough, this Bitch with her magic, reinforced this magic something behind her as well. And from the looks of it, with complete success. The light was getting stronger and stronger, brighter and brighter, and the only way to stop it all was to cut the witch's heart out. As if this bitch had noticed, she turned to the group at that very moment and turned into a dirty old witch. Now this dirty bitch also had the appearance to match her character. A dirty witch bitch.

Everything that happened after that happened so fast that you couldn't really realize it. In the blink of an eye, this bitch of a witch was there; in the next, a few feet away, and then somewhere else entirely. First here, then there and completely somewhere else. Teleportation. How fair this act became.

And just as quickly as this bitch appeared and disappeared, one after another of the Squad was on the ground. Ready to attack, Jyn let her gaze wander, and just as she turned, the witch's blow came. She was able to duck, but she was already unable to avoid the kick that followed. Coughing, she put the back of her hand to her lip, glanced at her hand, and shortly thereafter spat the blood onto the floor. However, as Jyn lunged to counter-attack, the witch disappeared and reappeared right behind her. Bitch please. Seriously?! How stupid that was. This was exactly what was to be predicted/anticipated. Without having to think much about it or anything, she snapped the back of her head backwards and rammed her elbow into the Bitch's side. Staggering, the bitch took a few steps back and disappeared again. Slowly, this behavior was really getting on Jyn's nerves.

"Enough!" the witch suddenly shouted, making a hand gesture and all weapons landed on the other side of the room, "Of all those who opposed me, you deserve mercy. Join me or die."

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