15. Cat and dog

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Soobin wriggled, trying to find a warmer spot in his bed. Where had his blanket gone? And what was that warm lump wresting on his stomach? Maybe Kai had stolen the blanket away in his sleep again. Ugh... he felt like shit...

Wait. Kai-- last night--he had gone out to drink, then... Hyunjin!

He scrambled, ripping his face off the leather couch with a loud ripping sound. The warm lump tumbled off into his lap, letting out a startled yowl. Before Soobin could start to question the sound, his head pounded savagely.

"Oww... fuck," Soobin groaned out loud, instantly collapsing back onto the couch. Great. Just great. Resisting the urge to thrash around in frustration, he squinted at what he could see of the room without moving his head.

Grey walls. There was a small table with a lamp on it by the other side of the couch. It was pretty sparse from what he could see. He must be at Hyunjin's then?

As if in answer, the lump got up and padded across Soobin's body. It stopped on his chest and mowed loudly.

Soobin blinked his sticky eyes, a cat?. Hyunjin's cat? He smiled despite himself, he liked cats. The cat was sleek black with a white patch on its face. It had suspiciously familiar scarlet eyes.

Of course Hyunjin would have a cat that took after him, what a weird guy. Soobin reached up to stroke the cat with both hands,

"Hello kitty, you're handsome just like your owner huh?" He joked, the cat leaned into his touch, purring loudly. Soobin grinned, momentarily distracted from his predicament.

"Aww, who's a cute little kitty," he crooned, scratching lightly along its chin. What happened next might have killed him from shock if he wasn't already drained.

With a flash of light and a sudden weight pressing down on him, the cat disappeared, and in its place, Hyunjin smirked down at him. ah, Im having hallucinations. I should go to the hospital...

"So you think I'm handsome?"

Soobin choked. Auditory hallucinations?! Hyunjin chuckled and the movement brought Soobin's attention back to where his hand still rested on Hyunjin's neck. He snatched it away quickly.

"Get off," he managed, giving very-much-definitely-real-Hyunjin what he hoped was a stern glare. Hyunjin shrugged, rolling off the couch with annoying ease, and also managing to make every hard part of his body stab every soft part of Soobin's.

Soobin gritted his teeth, he wouldn't give that asshole the satisfaction. His mind was still fixated on the fact that a cat had turned into Hyunjin in front of his very eyes.

Hyunjin plucked a glass of water off the side table on this side of the couch that soobin had failed to see. He held it out to Soobin, and smiled again when the dark haired boy took it gratefully.

Hallucinations be damned, he was going to drink that water. His throat felt like a desert sand worm's burrow. He slowly sat up, leaning on the back of the couch.

"Alright, Im sorry for startling you. I just figured your reaction would tell me whether that angel told you or not," Hyunjin said. Soobin took a sip of water,


"So he didn't tell you... interesting."

"I don't have time for your games Hyunji--"

"I'm a Demon Prince."

Soobin choked on his water, sputtering uncontrollably (oof). Demon Prince?

Hyunjin only watched with mild disinterest as Soobin coughed his lungs out. Soobin winced as his head pulsed in response. He slammed the glass down on the side table.

"What?" He croaked, head spinning. The answer came from the doorway,

"He's saying he's a demon. Now who are you, and why are you in my house?"

Soobin whipped his head toward the sound before he could think better of it, resulting in a very painful outcome.

The boy standing in the doorway was slender with dark hair and an attractive puppy-like face that was at odds with his disapproving glower. He wore a coat and scarf, his hair was mussed, and there were faint dark smudges under his eyes.

Hyunjin visibly winced and turned toward the boy with annoyance barely concealed with a smile,

"Seungmin! Did you go out last night? I didn't know you had plans," he said. Soobin could hear the sarcasm in his voice. The stranger--Seungmin-- smiled a dangerous smile. He stalked across the room and grabbed Hyunjin by the front of his shirt.

Hyunjin flinched. So did Soobin.

"How about you huh, Hyunjin? I didn't know you had plans to go out last night," Seungmin laughed humorlessly. Hyunjin opened his mouth.

"Oh, right. Thats because you didn't tell me," the boys eyes flicked to Soobin, who chose wisely to keep his mouth shut.

"I don't have to tell you anything," Hyunjin spat. Clearly the red haired boy had not made the wise decision. He shoved Seungmin's hand away with a sneer.

Soobin might have been hallucinating more, but he could have sworn that he saw hurt flicker in Seungmin's eyes as he stumbled backward. Seungmin glared,

"If you're going to hook up with random people, do it somewhere else." Every word was ground out. Hyunjin laughed as Soobin coughed yet again. Me?

"Um, I'm not--its not--we didn't--" he tried to explain. Me and Hyunjin? "We did not hook up."

Hyunjin still chuckled as Seungmin turned his attention to Soobin, expression softening slightly,

"You're one of Hyunjin's friends? I've never seen you before..." Hyunjin gave Soobin a come-on-cover-for-me look. Soobin swallowed,

"Yes." He stated. Then, "u-um, nice to meet you I'm Soobin, Hyunjin's... friend!" He awkwardly dipped his head as carefully as he could in greeting. Seungmin studied him, eyes narrowing,

"You're human."


"Hyunjin doesn't have any human friends."

Hyunjin snorted, "Since when do you care about me enough to know about my friends."

"I care about you enough to spend half the night out looking for you, asshole," Seungmin shot back. Hyunjin was silent. Soobin took this as his opportunity to get the hell out of there, he had his own shit to deal with.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go now, see you Hyunjin," He said, wincingly standing from the couch. Where was his jacket?

He got about three steps toward the door before Seungmin clamped a hand over his shoulder.

"Not so fast, friend. I think we better have a little discussion first."

Soobin silently cursed his luck. He was beginning to think that he was becoming a supernatural being magnet.

And not in a good way. Was there a good way?

I want my old boring life back, God.


Hey guys!!! So, I know I've been gone for a while. My life has been a little chaotic. My family is planning on moving, and it's stressing me out. Also my depression payed a visit.

Anyway, I will try to wrap this story up soon, (tbh I'm not really that into the plot anymore)

And I really just want to write an enemies to lovers/forced proximity Seungjin fanfic... So yah.

I love you all, and thank you for reading! Vote and comment, it really does motivate me to continue the story. <3

Love, Haze.

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