Discontinuation notice <3

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Hello, I hope you are having a good holiday season!  To all the lovely people who read this story,

Thank you so much for being here, leaving kind comments and being a part of my first Fanfiction!  I really appreciate each and every one of you <3

I have decided to stop writing Call me your Angel.  I want to focus on new stories in the coming year.  I may re-write this story in the future and change bunch of things to make it better.

Anyway, I hope I'm not disappointing anyone, thank you all for understanding!  

You can always read my other story 'BOUND' and I am planning to premier a new yeongyu story around New Years called 'My best friend's boyfriend'.

Love you all, have a great Christmas <3 <3


☆Call me your Angel☆ | Sookai (no longer updating)Where stories live. Discover now