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"Lord Celeborn, Lady Galadriel, and their daughter, Princess Estelle will be coming to visit Minas Tirith. So, I want you to be on your best behavior boys." Lord Denethor said to his sons, Boromir and Faramir.

"We shall father, don't you worry." Boromir replied.

Faramir nodded his head. They have not been in the presence of elves before, so this would be their first. Their father has talked about how there was a time where elves, man, and dwarves have fought alongside one another at Mordor to try to defeat Sauron's army. He talked of King Isildur who was the one that took down Sauron by cutting his hand off that had the One Ring. This ring was the most powerful out of the 19 rings given to man, dwarf and elf. This ring was the one that was made in the fires of Mt. Doom, the one to rule them all. When King Isildur destroyed Sauron, Lord Elrond had taken him up to Mt. Doom to destroy the ring, but Isildur kept it for himself, which ended in his death later on. Boromir and Faramir had always been amazed at the story. How they wanted to grow up and be able to fight and protect Minis Tirith since they were so close to Mordor.

Boromir and Faramir are part of the Dunedain race. The Dunedain race are lords of long life, great power and wisdom. Boromir being 10 and Faramir 5, though they look much older than their age, that is the Dunedain blood. Their father, Denethor, is 56. He lost his wife, Lyra, during an Orc attack. Though it has been years since her death, Lord Denethor still grieves.

"They should be here in two days, so make sure everything is in order." Said Denethor.

"Yes Father," replied Boromir once again. They left the throne room and started walking towards the rooms.

"I'm excited to meet them. What do you think Faramir?"

"Yeah, I am. I've heard great things about The Lady of Light, Galadriel. But her daughter, not as much."

"The lady Estelle, Daughter of The Lady of Light. I wonder if the rumors are true. How her eyes are so blue, her long blonde hair, and her smile. She is known to be the beauty of Lothlorien, after her mother or course." Boromir said. They got to their rooms and bid each other goodnight. As Faramir laid in bed, his mind was busy thinking about this Lady Estelle. what she looks like, her personality and so on. He hopes that this visit will go well. If this visit goes well, that means that Minas Tirith and Lothlorien would be alliances in case anything happens. Elves are known for being quick on their feet and having amazing sword and bow and arrow skills. He himself wants to be just as good as they are with both a sword and bow and arrow. He has been practicing every day and seems to be improving. Eventually he falls asleep, hoping that everything will well.

The day finally came. Lady Estelle was on her horse, Ephel, trailing behind her mother and father, Lord and Lady Celeborn and Galadriel. It had been pleasant trip on the way to Minas Tirith. No issues with the weather and certainly no Orcs. Estelle had heard stories about the race of men, especially those of Gondor. Their tendency to be selfish was on top, as well as arrogance but not all men are like that.

"Lord Celeborn, we have arrived at Minas Tirith." said Haldir, the captain of the guards.

The doors of Minas Tirith opened, letting them in. Lord Celeborn got of his horse gracefully, and went over to the carriage that Lady Galadriel was in. Haldir came over to Estelle and assisted her off Ephel.

"Thank you Haldir.' Said Estelle.

Haldir nodded with a smile. Estelle went over to where her parents were and they were greeted by Gondor's captain of the guards, Beregond. "Welcome my friends. We are honored to have you here. Please, follow me and I will take you up to Lord Denethor."

They followed him. Estelle was amazed at how beautiful this place was. Everywhere she looked, white was all she saw. White walls, white ground. The stories were true, this was a beautiful place. They finally got to the top of Minas Tirith, Citadel. There was a white tree in the middle. Beregond led them past the white tree of Gondor and led them through the doors. Inside, Lord Denethor sat on the throne, with a smile on his face. His sons were on either side of him.

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