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 Faramir was appointed Prince of Ithilien by King Aragorn. He became of of the chief commanders for King Aragorn, which meant he was a resident march-warden for Gondor's main eastward outpost and rehabilitating the lost territories and clearing it of outlaws and orcs. Faramir also had the duty to clean out Minas Morgul of any evil remnants. He also fulfilled the role as steward, acting as the King's chief counselor and ruling in the King's absence. So Faramir was a busy man, bu the still made time for his wife Estelle. While Faramir was away on duties, she would spend time with Arwen and Eowyn. The two women had gotten along well, making Estelle happy. Time moved fast for them all. King Aragorn and Queen Arwen welcomed a son, Eldarion. He was their only child. Eowyn and Irolas had a son two years after the birth of Eldarion. His name was Elboron.

Irolas and Eowyn eventually left Minas Tirith and went back to her home in Edoras. Irolas became the chief commander for his brother in-law, Eomer. As for him, Eomer, he did find love and married Lothiriel.

The hobbits returned to the Shire. Their fellow hobbit friends had no idea what had gone on and the four didn't bother to say anything for it would be a long story. Because of what Frodo had gone through, Arwen had given up her spot on the boat to the undying lands, meaning Frodo would be taking her spot. He was not able to live a normal life anymore, so Galadriel, Celeborn, and Gandalf insisted that he go, along with his Uncle Bilbo. Merry, Pippin and Sam were all upset that he would be leaving, but they understood why he couldn't stay. The three watched as Frodo sailed away, never seeing him again. Sam ended up marrying a wonderful woman, Rosie, and had two kids with her. Merry and his wife, Stella, went to live at Brandy Hall and Crickhollow. Pippin didn't marry right away, like his friends. He took some time for himself, traveling back and forth to visit Faramir and Estelle. They were always happy to see Pippin. Faramir and Pippin became really close. When Pippin did marry, he invited Faramir and Estelle, along with Merry, Stella, Sam and Rosie, for a private ceremony. His wife was Diamond of Long Cleeve. They had one son, and they named him Faramir, after a great soldier and man, Faramir himself. He was honored to have Pippin name his son after him. Pippin and Diamond also asked if he and Estelle would be the godparents and of course they said yes.

Not long after, Faramir decided to step down from his position as chief commander. He told Aragorn that he wanted to spend time with his wife and raise a family. Aragorn was hesitant because Faramir was a great leader and always helped him with tough decisions but decided to allow it. Faramir and Estelle deserved this. Aragorn appointed Beregond to be his chief commander.

Late that day, Faramir and Estelle were in their room, getting ready for bed.

"Let's go live in Lothlorien. We can start our family there." Faramir said to his wife. She looked over at him, surprised.

"Really? Why is that?"

"Lothlorien is beautiful and peaceful. A perfect place to grow our family. And then we can come and visit Minas Tirith."

Estelle smiled at him and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. "Let's do it."

A month later, they took their leave and headed back to her home, Lothlorien. It was a long trip, but they enjoyed it. They got to explore new places as well as visited places that held memories that would not be forgotten, like Helm's Deep. They did stop at Edoras to visit Eowyn, Irolas, Eomer and Lothiriel.

It took them about a month until they reach the woods of Lothlorien. It was still beautiful as ever. Very peaceful. You could hear the trees gently blowing in the wind, the sound of the river, and the animals. It was like they were being welcomed home. Unfortunately, her parents, Celeborn and Galadriel were not there, for they had left for the undying lands. But there were still some that had stayed behind. The elves were happy to see their princess return home.

Faramir and Estelle enjoyed their time together in Lothlorien. They spent every day together, walking around the forest, taking boat rides, riding horses and so much more. Estelle taught him the history of elves. Faramir had learned some things from Mithrandir, but not all.

Pippin and Merry had come to visit a few times, bringing their wives and children along. Aragorn and Arwen were able to visit too. They never heard from Gimli or Legolas though. Aragorn told them that they went on to the undying lands a few months ago. Faramir didn't know the two quite well, but he knew Estelle had grown close to them. She was sad to hear the news but was also happy for them.

A year later, Faramir and Estelle told their friends the news that they were expecting their first child. It was a son. The named him Orald, meaning eagle. Two years later, a daughter was born, Nimrodel, or Nim. Together, they made sure that their children grew up, learning about elves, men and dwarves. They told them stories about their adventures and how they fell in love. Orald and Nim loved hearing their parent stories, especially the ones where they had to fight the bad guys, orcs.

They continued living in Lothlorien. Their love was stronger than ever. They traveled with their children to the places that they told them about in their stories and visited their friends.

Faramir lived to be 120 years old. The day he passed was the most heartbreaking day of Estelle's life. She stayed by his side on his death bed, telling him how much she loved him and that she will miss him so much. Aragorn, Arwen, Eomer, Eowyn, Irolas, Pippin and Merry had come his side and said their goodbyes. Orald and Nim were upset. They had grown up, already married and having kids. Faramir was able to meet his grand kids and spend time with them before old age took its course. The night he passed, it was just him and Estelle, together. Faramir was starting to fade. He kept his eyes on Estelle. She still had her piercing blue eyes that he fell in love with when he met her. He was lying down in bed, too weak to move. Estelle held onto his hand and running her fingers through his hair. Tears were falling down her eyes. She didn't know how she would survive without her other half. Faramir slowly lifted his hand to her face and caught a few tears with his finger and then caressed the side of her face.

"Don't cry love. I'll always be with you, watching over you. I love you Estelle. I am so lucky that I have been able to call you mine all these years. Thank you for everything that you have done for me, for us and our children. Never forget,'Meleth nîn" He whispered.

She smiled and leaned down to kiss him. "I love you Faramir. I will never forget you and our time that we got to share. Always and forever,'Meleth nîn." She leaned her forehead on his, tears falling onto his face. He pulled his head back and gave her a kiss on the forehead and then he took his last breath. The last thing he saw was her face, the face that he has loved all these years, a sad smile on her face. His gray eyes shut, only seeing darkness, as he fell into a deep sleep, never to awake again. Estelle hug him and put her head down onto his chest, crying hard. She looked up at him, his face so peaceful. He didn't suffer at all, he went peacefully. The best way to leave Middle Earth. She touched the necklace that was around his neck. "Until we meet again Faramir, 'Meleth nîn." 

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