Chapter 7

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The moon over Osgiliath was shining bright. Men were overlooking the river, keeping an eye out for Orcs. Others were around the fire, eating, drinking and small talk. Faramir was walking around the ruined buildings, checking on his men before making his way up to Madril who was overlooking the north side.

"It's been quiet across the river. Too quiet." Faramir whispered to Madril.

"The orcs are lying low. The garrison must have moved out. We sent scouts across to Cair Andros. So, if the Orcs did attack from the North, we would have some warning and time to prepare."

Orcs were quietly rowing their way over from the South. Their leader, Gothmog, was telling them to stay silent and keep rowing. He looked up and saw a solider looking down at them. They had been seen! "Shoot him." He told one of the Orcs. The Orc shot him, and the soldier fell down the steps backwards, where the other soldiers were. Faramir and Madril head the noise of metal clanking against the ground and run over to where it came from. They stopped in front of the solider and saw a black arrow sticking out of his torso. Orcs.

"They aren't coming from the North! To the river quick, quick!" They all followed Faramir to the river and hid behind what was left of the pillars. They could hear the Orcs draw swords. They disembarked from the boats and ran past the pillars, not noticing the soldiers behind them. Faramir looked at Madril and gave him a nod and then jumped out from behind the pillar and started fighting the Orcs. Let the fighting begin.


Aragorn was sitting on the side of the wall smoking his pipe, when he looked up and saw the beacon lit. He jumps up and runs as fast as he could to the Great Hall. He bursts through the door and yells, "The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!"

There was some hesitation among them. Estelle comes walking in and stands by Legolas. She had heard Aragorn yell that Gondor had lit the beacon. Everyone looked over to Theoden. She was holding in her breath, afraid of what Theoden might say. Legolas grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze, reassuring her that he will make the right call. And he did.

"Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!" Theoden commanded.

Eomer bowed his head and leaves to let every man know that they were to ride out. Estelle quickly walks to her room and grabs her sword, bow and arrows, and a bag for her riding clothes. She would change into those later when the time came. The bell was rung, signaling all the men to gather. Horses were rounded up; the flag of Rohan was flying. Men were getting on their horses. Theoden walked out of the Hall with Eomer telling him to assemble the army at Dunharrow. He has two days and then the third, they ride to Gondor and War. He asked his right-hand man, Gamling, to go across the Riddermark to summon every able-bodied man to Dunharrow. Aragorn was attending to his horse, making sure the straps were tightened well. Eowyn comes alongside him with her horse. He was a little confused on what she was doing. She said that she was just riding to the encampment since it's tradition to see the men off to war. Estelle walked up with her horse and smiled at the two. She mounted her horse and walked over to where Legolas and Gimli were. Everyone was ready to go.

"Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan. Oaths you have taken. Now fulfill them all, to Lord and Land!" Eomer yelled.

The Riders galloped off, Edoras disappearing behind them. This was it. The biggest battle of Middle Earth was beginning. All before the walls of Minis Tirith will determine our doom.


It was now daylight out and the battle at Osgiliath was still going. It was brutal, but fierce. Many men were being slaughtered though. It was not looking good for them. Faramir was running through the city, killing many Orcs. Sweat was dripping down his face. He was exhausted. His men were exhausted. The Orcs weren't backing down. They were still going strong. Their mission was to take over the city and that was what they were doing. Faramir ran through an archway. He saw and heard Madril yell his name to move out of the way. Faramir moves behind a pillar and the men shoot arrows at the incoming Orcs that were running after him. Faramir walks over to Madril, trying to catch his breath.

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