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I stand near the bunker wall as Albi projects his wristband to it, showing us the videos he got inside the speakeasy.Deecon is chewing on Albi's last biscuit from his breakfast plate behind his back. Albi leans on his knees with his elbows as he describes where in the building he is, completely distracted from Deecon's thieving.

"Right here.-" He pauses the video and points to a larger man behind a couple people at the bar.
"-This is the same guy I have seen every street I was walking in town.. I think he was following me.. Might have recognized me from the security footage on Annie's wristband."

He didn't look familiar, someone out to destroy me should have crossed my path at least once.

"We can see if Sky can recognize his face, maybe even figure out his whole identity if it can locate his wristband information. We can't do it from down here.. What time are we leaving?" I asked impatiently, I needed to be back on Sky, to help keep danger from it.

Deecon puts his plate of food down, waving his hands.

"I can't be the only one thinking this plan is stupid right? Disguises and laying low in the tallest building in Sky as a cover?" He rolls his eyes.

Albi clears his throat, "Gemma is needed back on Sky to find these men, they know every unmarked location on Sky since I assume they have laid low themselves for quite some time now, it will be harder for them to get access to security tightened front doors."

I cross my arms as they continue to battle back and forth of where my being should be. I don't think it was up for either of them.
I start to shove my belongings into my bag and place the box I retrieved from my first home on Darus.
The moment I hold it makes Albi stop arguing as he sees it, his sudden silence makes Deecon snap his body in my direction.
Albi points his finger to it,

"Where did you get that?" He asks with urgency in his voice, it was... odd?

I pull it up higher towards the candle light, "I found it in the first house we created here.. My old house. I think it was my father's, supposedly it holds our family's secrets."

Deecon looks back to Albi and then back at me, "That box seems like it will bring a lot of trouble.. So I guess I'll follow the box."
Deecon starts to pack his things but Albi still can't take his eyes off of it.
I step towards him and he doesn't even notice my action, his eyes still remain on it.

"What aren't you telling me?" I speculate.

"I-...I didn't know it was real... My father told me my great grandmother went crazy trying to find out what was in the box your father kept locked away. My great grandfather told everyone he'd never seen one.. That she needed to be locked up because she was a danger to herself and others... but she wasn't crazy.."

He reaches out for it and stops himself, he puts his hand behind his back and begins to apologize for the outburst.

"Your great grandfather was my bodyguard, your great grandmother was my mom's... Even I have never seen this box, maybe your grandfather had no clue it existed either... I remember her being there one day and then gone the next, I never saw signs of her going crazy, I assumed she retired after hearing my parents mission to the planet they found, the journey taking a couple years to come back. I'm sorry Albi, if I had known-"

He puts his hand up to stop me, "It's okay Gemma, you were probably too young to remember."

Deecon snickers at him, "She was a child like five thousand years ago."

I push my foot back, kicking him in the shin.
Albi joins in with the mocking,
"Did your parents hate you during your terrible two thousands?"

I raise my hands up, shrugging my shoulders at their teasing, "You both are hilarious."

Deecon splits his sides as he and Albi are finally getting along at my expense.
"Wait one last thing-" Deecon begs.
"-.. You are so fucking old."
Albi claps his hands together and points to Deecon as his loud laughter climaxes again.

When we arrive at the station, Deecon grabs my hand to help with my emotions, last time I was on here I heard whispers from vile to saddening. Their emotions almost drowned me.

We all cover our faces in fabric to hide our lower face, Deecon crams a cap onto his head while I adjust my sunglasses. Sky had only seen my dark as night hair so luckily the icey tone of it now will throw off any ideas of who I really am.
My heart feels heavy leaving Djinn behind but I carpeted his new cave with plush grass and promised I would return.

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