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A few days had passed with no word from Franco to talk. I understood. I had given him a few books to read, to keep his mind grounded.

I think back to him staring at me with fear in his eyes. It hurt.
I stare at the glass wall in front of me seeing a car coming up to the gate.


I ran over to the intercom to my front gate "Hello?" My voice cracks.

"Are you going to let me in or do I have to hop this fucker?" He chuckles that condescending tone of his. Irritated that he has to even ask me to open the gates.


"Deecon now is not a good time. I can send your things to your housing development once you get settled." I start to walk away but hear his voice again.

"New housing development? I live here Gemma. Now let me into my fucking house."

My pendant doesn't burn. It freezes. I'm exhausted when it comes to Deecon. He has ruled me for years. And I let him. Over the years I have slowly bowed my head to humans.
I hide from them now.
Deecon is the first human to show me an emotion besides 'fine'. My body's emotions are tied to him. I was a slave for his approval.

I buzz him in with my heart dropping into my stomach.

Franco being locked in my room so far from the front of the building didn't worry me in the slightest. He won't even know Deecon stopped by.

I grab Deecon's things from the bottom of the stairs, wanting to hold my head high.
He can't stay here.
Franco is in a cell and Deecon is a tumor that I needed sliced off my body.

Deecon's voice echoes from the front door. I grab the box of his belongins and walk towards him.

"Nothing is missing so don't think I stole anything or burned anything." He grabs the box and sets it aside. "Gem, baby I wouldn't think that." He grabs both of my arms and tries to pull me in for a hug. His touch is so warm and familiar. Me always wanting him but never needing him tore me. My pendant didn't burn though. Ever since that night with Franco, it isn't even glowing around Deecon.

"Deecon, if there is nothing else you need then please leave." I stand my ground.

He looks over at the bar. "You were drinking with someone last night? I didn't see another car in the driveway." His grip gets a little tighter on my arm. "I had a friend over." I spat. He glares at me.
"Are you trying to get back at me? Huh? Which friend?" He crossed his arms and raises an eyebrow, waiting for my lie.

"Edna" I hold my breath, please believe it.
He still scared me.
He starts to look around and sees the plates in the sink. He walks over to the kitchen seeing pots and pans dirty. "Gem.. Albi always cleans his dishes right after meals, why does this look like you've been eating six meals a day? You barely eat two times a day. " He starts laughing looking around for more. "Deecon you need to leave." I cross my arms not wanting to look him in the eye. He keeps looking around for more clues.

"Is he still here?" He doesn't even look at me.

"No. He left in the middle of the night wearing my sweats." He huffs and puffs and charges towards me.

"You fucking whore! I'm gone for a few days and this is the shit you pull?!" I yell back at him "Deecon you fingered a girl in your car right outside our bar! For you to be angry with me is laughable!" He steps back and starts to pace.

"Gemma this is what we do! You get pissed at me, I come back with a couple of beers, we fuck and then we get some food at Hilkys. How the fuck am I going to forgive you bringing home guys while I'm gone?? I fucking brought a twelve rack this time and have a free drink on the app. How are you going to make this up to me?" Deecon towers over me trying to make me feel small.
His presence filled the whole room, I felt like I was suffocating, I even began to shake as he pointed his daggers at me. I wanted to punch myself in the middle of the chest when my heart beat picked up, I knew what this emotion was and I hated when it arose in me. Everytime he was this close, I could feel this emotion he tried so hard to push down.. It was stronger than lust, it was an obsessive need to always crawl back to me... and Darus save me. I hated when he stood this close causing my obsessive need to open my front door.

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