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Edna and Deecon lay passed out like drunk babies on the floor, the TV playing one of Deecon's favorite shows.

I take the bottle into my room as if I could sleep, I laugh to myself.
I sit back in the center of the room and stare at the damned box.
I set the bottle down.
"What kind of box has this wonky of a keyhole?" I mock it.
I had tried to smash it to bits back on Lower but it never budged. It needed that key.

The shape of it was twisted, a very specific way to unlock it.
I press my finger along the edges of it, it starts to feel familiar as I concentrate on the shape.

'Huh.' I chuckle, 'How do you open a box only meant for Starzithian eyes?'
I set the box down a little harsh, aggravated at figuring out the secret key's shape.

I stand up and stroll to the living room, unlocking the safe.
I pick up my pendant and feel the bottom of it, the sharpness of the pointed bottom confirms it. Every time I played with it on my neck, the fidgeting of it when it burned or froze my neck sets the nostalgic feeling into place.

'Funny, father.. You knew I hated this thing.. And made me need it at the same time.'
I crawl back onto the floor and gently push the bottom of the pendant into it, carefully turning the gears.


My heart actually picks up the pace, nervous to see what's inside. All my walls were down as I fear the truth of who I am lays inside.

I peer my eyes over the edge of the box and see pages of my father's writing in our language spread across it, pinned together with the pin he had given me as a child, the one with stars encrusted in it, I thought I had lost it on Darus.
I look around the room as if I'm not alone, should I be doing this alone?
This could be the answer I need, a second shouldn't be wasted.
I brought the first page to my eyes, I wanted to cry seeing my name written as Gemini instead of Gemma in our language.
I was never your true child was I?

I'm hoping that you found this sooner than later after our disappearance.
I want you to know, I never thought I would see the day Vyx's plan was working. I know you have many questions, I will start with the first.
There was never going to be a planet reachable or obtainable for these humans, if you decide they are worthy of saving, Vyx will shine down and take them to a viable planet where they will be under her complete control.

You are not of our flesh, you were created to rule the galaxy alongside Vyx as her right hand. To decide which planets were worthy enough to conquer, to control to.. Populate with. Starzithians have been trying to control the galaxy since the beginning of time but most planets don't want to be under our thumb. Vyx created the Zodiacs to do our bidding but each one failed, never giving her the results she wanted or passing the tests of extreme situations.

Leo always wanted the planets to bow to him instead seeing them as more than ants. Scorpz would love the planets so fiercely that she would ignore her mission, not giving a single test of the species strength physically and mentally. Every last one of your kind was stripped from their duty, to blend in with our kind and killed if they stepped out of line. Your kind grew tired of seeing you being treated like a Queen that they disobeyed Vyx's rules of sharing our secrets with the humans, telling them of the ticking time bomb you are and if they did not serve you correctly, their planet would be eaten. Vyx had created you to destroy the planets that showed resistance, violence, not wanting to be a part of our conquer. To decide if they are worthy or unworthy of our grace. I have not been truthful to you because..

You were just a child this time.

Every time you destroyed, your star would supernova and you fade into the darkness of space.
Every time we plucked your star from the constellation, you were fully matured, ready to serve Vyx without hesitation, already knowing your duty for our kind. You were supposed to be the perfect Zodiac to decide fairly but over time you had grown tired of it. A planet would only survive a couple years before you destroyed it, you weren't deciding fairly.
Vyx was disgustingly impressed with how fast you were sending a message to the other solar systems.

Then one day Aries appeared, another zodiac created by Vyx.
He was supposed to be your God of War, to help you crush any enemy in our way. Your mother hated him, said he was helping you ruin potential races we could enslave. I loved him though, it was vile to think but you two were destroying planets and saving them from ever being enslaved and tortured by Vyx.
I would stare out into the sky every night disgusted with myself that I was happy you were making planets extinct and out of Vyx's grasp when I should have helped stop her reign just like the people who hunted us down.

And then you were reborn, into a small infant.

I sensed such balance again, like all your past twisted thoughts were wiped clean... and then Aries, a small infant.

The last planet you destroyed together did something to you. To this day Vyx has no idea why. She put me and your mother in charge of raising you, hiding you, keeping you on this harmless planet to protect you. To keep you from the truth until you were the right age to conquer or lead. The tests that Vyx would throw at the humans made my heart shatter to see it first hand.

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