S1 Epi 2: Totally a vacation right?

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Meanwhile back in Yoyleberry and Yoyle City respectively...

Gelatin had licked his arm for the sixteenth time. "Nope! Still does not taste like anything" he says, with his adorable little tongue still sticking out. Loser smiled, "maybe if we put some more salvia on it, it will taste good." Just then, Four appeared. "Where are Firey and Leafy?!"

Liy who was sitting on a bench "Didn't they like go on a vacation?" Four became angry. "No vacations!" Four didn't like the idea of losing contestants to vacations, especially when he has not heard a word from Two about his show. He turned and looked out at the sea. "Where are they?" Gelatin giggled, "Aww Four calm down, they'll be back soon!"

Four could only imagine what was transpiring. At every minute Two didn't talk to him, the more he feared that Two had an opportunity to do something disastrous.

Pencil and Match were giggling at Four as well. "Yo Four, are you like the police of bad times?" Match chimed in "Yeah, are you like trying to get on everyone's bad side??" Four spoke to them in a condescending voice. "The only bad side that you two will be on is the side that stands for chaos!" Match and Pencil were quiet then after. Four breathed. "Right, time to bring everyone here. There's something important I need to say!"

Four conjured up his hands and waved them around.

Then, POOF! From the sky, two little individuals fell from the sky, those who were once absent now hit the ground with a thud!

Firey slowly lifted his head from the ground. He then yelled at the ground. "Why are we here!!" Four only took a few steps and spoke. "Great, everyone is here now!" Leafy then moved and looked around. "Firey, this looks like where we came from. Have we been going in circles?"

Four uses his powers to put the objects on their feet and then Firey became mad. "AARG FOUR WHY ARE WE HERE? I THOUGHT THE COMPETITION IS OVER!" Four smiled sweetly. "It is!" Firey spoke between his teeth. "Then why ruin our PERFECT VACATION!" Four spoke harshly. "Patience now! All that will be answered if you follow me to my secret underground base!"

Some of the objects had doubts about trusting Four. But all of them made their way to Four. "I knew everybody here trusts me!" Four pressed a button and an elevator rode them down to a door that opened with smoke coming out of it.

Mixed reactions were shared. Firey only scoffed and said "So why are we here Four?" Four smiled "This is my secret lab!" The objects were surprised that Four has managed to hide this from them. Leafy gasped "It makes sense, this is where you go when there is nothing happening on show.." She then became puzzled. "But why?" Four spoke "Well you see Leafy, there's a reason I protect you guys so closely. My rival Two isn't what he seems." He then rubbed his back. "On one side, you have this charming and funny personality, but on the other... something less pleasant."

Firey spoke again. "Right. So are you just saying this because you hate him or do you have actual suspicions?" Four felt burned by his words. "I only have suspicions because I haven't heard from him." Firey rolled his eyes and said "well good luck Four, but me and Leafy want to get back to our vacation."

Four stretched his arm. "Not so fast!" Leafy was still browsing around the lab. "Hey Firey, look at this!" Leafy had a glove that made a long line of dots and the dots then scattered seconds later. Leafy stood in awe. "Cool." Four then looked at Firey. "As long as she doesn't turn the glove to bomb mode we will be ok."

Firey turned and said "Come on Leafy! We are leaving!" Leafy protested in annoyance. "We just got here Firey!" Firey went to her side. She still had the glove on her hand. Firey removed it from her in one swift move, which made Four squirm. "Note to self, put a security lock on gloves."

Firey grabbed Leafy's hand and started dragging her away. Leafy used her other hand to pry his hand out, which made him turn and glare at her. Four chuckled. "We are having a great time in here I see!" Firey grabbed for Leafy's hand again and Leafy continued to push him away. They pushed up against each other until Leafy was cornered in a desk.

"Nowhere to run from me now Leafester!" He grabbed her hand and held tightly, she tried to stay put, but only slammed her elbow onto the desk and was sent forth to Firey. Gelatin saw a bright light and a few words.

Plan #101: Deployment to Miami
Mission Activated
Gelatin shouted "What's a Miami?" It sounded like a sorry attempt at the Mia hee meme.

Firey had only managed to make Leafy stand right next to him and was pressing a button to open the doors. But they weren't opening. "Four, why aren't the doors opening? Did you lock us in here?" Firey said growing upset. Four smiled "Well it wasn't me, but Leafy unknowingly has just put my plan into motion."

He walked over to a drawer and inside was a small box. There were 9 bracelets inside. Four pulled them out. He smiled as he pressed a center button on each bracelet and turned to everyone. "Originally, it was just going to be me going on this mission, but I must've enjoyed making them so much that I made one for everyone here."

Blocky spoke with a grimace. "I'm scared!"

Four used his powers to levitate the bracelets and smiled "We all will be together in Miami!" Gelatin looked at the bracelet that levitated towards him, as the bracelets were eye level with everyone. "Gelatin like shiny fun things!" The bracelet then slid onto his wrists and then tightened quickly around his wrist. Everyone panicked except for Four and X, who were expecting to get going soon. Firey stammered "F-Four! Get this thing off of me!" Four brushed him away. "Wish I could to be quite honest, but I didn't really think about adding a "remove"code to our bracelets." Four turned and started up a machine. Leafy spoke, "Four, why are we here?" Four pressed a button and the bracelets spoke in a woman voice. "Enter the pod!" It repeated this phrase every 3 seconds.

Firey became angry. "What have you done?" Four stared into his eyes. " Get in the pod." Firey sharply yelled back. "No!" Four smiled and said, "There's a self destruct sequence coming up and so I suggest everyone get in the pod." Most of the girls quickly scrambled to obey Four's orders. Blocky also went to an empty pod and opened the door. X climbed into his.

"Woah! It's really big in here!" Blocky stepped in. The door closed behind him, which brought back the fear.

Firey was still standing outside. Four whispered to him. "It's starting! Hurry!" Firey only stared at Four. "It really will explode Firey!" Four made his way to his. Firey rolled his eyes and walked over to the one with Leafy. "You better not play any tricks on us Four!" Four smiled "No tricks, not at all!" Firey entered into his pod just as the timer was nearing the final seconds. "You nearly avoided your death Firey!" Four's closed. Four waited patiently for what happens next. All the pods spoke "Now sending travelers to Miami!" Leafy looked around in her pod, it was a little dirty and had a cushion for her to lean back on. She started feeling a blast of sonic energy, which sent her back into the cushion. She was scared. She looked at the other pods. Someone was slapping the glass with her hand. More sonic energy at a faster rate. It hurt her ears. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, her mind went blank and she fell into a deep sleep.

When she awoke, she laid stiff. There was brown hair that was near her. She touched it and realized it was her own hair. She looked for her friends and didn't have to look much for they were all around her. Four chuckled to himself and this sent shivers down her spine. She looked at her skin. It was pale. So were some of her friends skin.

She turned and looked at Firey. He was the only boy with tan skin and a head full of reddish orange hair. Leafy could tell they were a long way from Yoyle City.

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