S1 Epi 11: S1 Finale

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Four escorted himself and the others out of the house. Four was definitely hiding something.

Firey stood outside as four waved his hands about, away from the eyes of Melissa.

"Don't you start teleporting AAAAAA!"

(Bringing back object show jokes with that one!)

When Firey opened his eyes, he saw that they were in an alleyway. It was small and Leafy could hear people talking.
"Four, is this supposed to be secretive?" She said with a quiet voice. Her face was partially smushed between two people.

Four stuck his head out, using his powers. Didn't he tell them not to use powers? Gelatin squealed "EEE Four why are you using your powers?"

"Shut up Gelatin!" He sat down on an oil barrel. The objects looked at him. "Ok so you are not going to like this. Our threat is bigger than I thought."

Pencil perked up. "We have a threat?!" Match turned "Yeah Pencypoo have you not been paying attention?"

Pencil's eyes widened. Then she shrugged. They must not really care. Four resumed talking.

"Ok and there's one other thing that I should mention. Something to keep private for now."

Blocky, who was in between Gelatin and Match, stared into Four's eyes. "Your secret is safe with me Four."

Four reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out green goo. "I found this at a crime scene."

"Wait at one of Melissa's crime scenes?"

Four shushed the speaker, who was later revealed to be Leafy.


"I have reason to believe that this is from Two. A deeper investigation might reveal to me his plans." "Which is why you will be working with Melissa from here on out!"

The overwhelming majority of the objects cawed in fear at what they just heard.

Match looked around. "Four, isn't that like bad?"

Four stood quiet and then with an emotionless face said "Yeah but I threatened her job so we are good."

Firey shut his eyes briefly. "Four, this is a bad idea. All of this just because you think your rival is evil..." he chuckled upon the word evil.

X sighed. "He is right Four! Are you sure Two is up to no good?" They looked into Four's eyes pleading.

Four studied the goo then look at X. "Positive."

Firey then walked away. Leafy caught up with him. "Should we keep this secret?"

"I'm not sure Leafy. I don't think Four is functioning well with being here. He is different."

Leafy thought for a second. "He is being social with humans."


"I don't like it but I think we should keep his secret. Just to see where it goes."

Firey looked at his friend. "Why?"

"He could be right. But it's unlikely."


They reached back to the house and found Melissa. Firey felt like talking but he only said a few words. "We met with our father and-"

Leafy put her hand over Firey's mouth, quickly stopping him from talking. "And everything went so well! He wants us to stay longer!"

Firey slowly turned his eyes and a small fraction of his head towards Leafy. Leafy could tell that her friend was angry.

"Oh that's great Lily! In fact, by you can stay here as long as you want! Your family is welcome here!"

Firey took his hand off of Leafy and frowned greatly.

"Well I'm going to bed." Firey walked upstairs to the room in which he slept in.

Leafy started spinning her fingers about. "Soooo anything interesting happening?"

"Not much, just detective work."

"Oh? Well is it fun?"

"No. But I am fine with it not being fun."

"I like fun!" Leafy gasped. "We should hang out together Miss Melissa!"

"Yeah Lily that would be a great idea. A girls night."


Lily went to bed thinking about the girls night.

It was about 10:39 pm when Firey walked by before Leafy already went back into her room. Surprisingly, she had gone to the bathroom, which scared her. "You know I wasn't going to tell her everything right?"

"But you just said that you were not keeping Four's secret."

"I was just gonna tell her that Four thinks I should get a job so I'll get a job."


"Goodnight Lily." He says it loud enough that if he had said her real name it would raise suspicions about the house.

Leafy climbed onto her bed. We are really doing this. We are getting jobs so that we can see if Two is up to no good.


And there you have it. Season 1 is done folks. I don't plan on doing season 2 anytime soon so you will have to be patient. Please vote for this and comment what you thought.

Bye for now!

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