S1 Epi 7: Movie Night

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Melissa opened up a box of dvds. "Does anyone want to watch a movie?" Gelatin squealed "OOH I DO!" Firey started walking away. "I'm going to bed now, goodnight." Melissa was shocked. "You sure Ferdinand? I have good ones." Firey shook his head, pretended to yawn, and said goodnight.

Morgan picked out a movie called Over The Hedge. Everyone liked the movie, but Gelatin wouldn't shut up about the animals that flashed on the screen and kept calling them his babies. When the movie was halfway through, Morgan got ready for bed so that way she would be good and tired for school tomorrow. The ending was great but Flower thought that it was silly to have everyone come to an agreement on everything when Remy had made some mistakes that he needed to own up for. They said other than that, I liked it.

Now that everyone was tucked in and sleeping, Melissa started to get ready for bed herself. David got ready soon after. Melissa sat in bed with a sweat building in her waiting for the silence to end between them. David, however did not take notice of this and after getting in bed, it was not long before he started snoring, causing Melissa to quietly groan. What would be his decision on the new people in the house? How would she tell them that they had to leave if David said that they can't stay.

Then, Melissa shut her eyes and through her mind, said that they have to stay. They seem too young to live by themselves and if David does not see it that way, it will make kicking him out that much sweeter.

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