Chapter 1 -A Day in Medan-

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The sun shines brightly over a small yet peaceful neighborhood. Inside one of the houses slept a young man, whose room was spacious but simple in design. A mirror hanging on one wall, and a window on another. A ceiling fan up above, and a blue rug down below. There was also a small nightstand next to the bed with a couple of drawers on it. Besides the opened closet which had a hamper in it, another thing to notice was that the bed sat sideways against one of the walls. This allowed sunlight to pierce through the window with ease, which had now started to wake up the young man. As he slowly opened his eyes, he began to sit up. He takes a few moments to stare at the floor before eventually standing on his feet. After a long yawn, he walks over to his mirror, scratching his head along the way. After wiping his face slightly, he stares at himself for a second. His expression was so drowsy that he seemed barely awake. The white t shirt he slept in had become wrinkled, no doubt due to his sleep, and his blue jeans looked no better. His black spiky hair looked wild and perhaps the worst out of his overall appearance. But after a few more seconds of staring at himself, he smiles.


He said before beginning to fiddle with his hair. He shook his head and crazily ran his hands through his hair, shaping it into a more decent and coherent look. It was still spiky, just a little more to the side. He quickly and casually made his way over to his closet and exchanged white t shirts, placing the one he slept in in the hamper. He proceeded to do the same with his blue jeans. He then sits down on his bed and starts putting on a pair of grayish black colored tennis shoes over the socks he already had on. And finally, after grabbing a black long sleeved shirt which was hanging off the edge of his bed, he puts it on over his white t shirt, and begins to stretch with his arms wide open while looking out the window. It was a beautiful day outside and he looked ready to head out. As he quickly made his way downstairs, a well dressed middle aged man who was reading a book at the kitchen table sees him.

"Good morning, Kay. Hope you slept well."

He greeted, casually. The young man, who was named Kay, responded in the same manner.

"Oh yeah, really well."
"Were you about to head to town square again?"

A middle aged woman asked as she was hanging a picture on the dining room wall. Her wardrobe matched that of the middle aged man except a little more dainty.

"Mhm. I wanna check to see if I got any new requests today. I'll let you guys know if I find one."
"Be careful sweetie. Breakfast will be on the counter!"

The woman responded as Kay started making his way out the front door.

"Kay, hold on."

The man quickly got up to follow Kay out the door. While already a few feet away from the house, Kay stopped and turned around.

"What's up?"

He asked as the man approached him.

"I know how much your "job" means to you, but please try to be careful today. Your mother and I are tired of seeing you come home with scrapes and bruises."

Kay chuckled, practically dismissing his father's worries.

"Come on dad, I don't get hurt THAT much."

But this response only served to earn a skeptic look from him.

"Do I have to remind you of the time you fell off of a roof trying to get someone's frisby?"
"Or when your leg got caught on a fence chasing down a cat?"
"He was pretty fast-"
"OR when you fell off of another roof trying to get a ball out of someone's gutter?"
"Well, THAT time was a tree."

Kay's father glared at him, sternly.


Clearly aware of the point his father was trying to make, Kay sighed, placing his hands in his pockets.

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