Chapter 13 -Missing-

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Just before reaching the shoreline of the eastern continent, Kyle pressed the red button above the blue one, causing the carrier's wheels to return to their original position, and the air pressure jetting out from underneath to stop. Now that the party had finally reached the eastern continent, all that was left was to head southeast, as per Doctrene's instructions. After driving up the road which connected the shoreline to a crossroad, Kyle made a right turn and went southeast. But waiting at the end of the path was a familiar and alarming set up.


A man in uniform yelled, holding his hand up to the carrier. He was backed by 5 other individuals in similar uniforms, who were all standing in front of a wooden blockade. As Kyle stopped the carrier, Kay and everyone else stood up to get a good look at what was going on.

"Great, what now?"

Buch said, almost immediately ready to take offensive action. Considering the last time they came across a roadblock, he was rightfully feeling very uneasy. Alan was feeling the same way.

"Are they after Kay too?"
"I doubt it. What happened before was a set up by Turalan. No one else should be after Kay specifically."
"Let's talk to them."

Kay said as he started to leave his seat. He and Kyle were confident in that this situation was a little different from the previous one. The people in uniform didn't even look remotely hostile, nor were they armed. If anything, it looked like they were standing guard. Their uniforms looked very official yet practical in terms of travel, with a nice olive green color to it. They also wore badges with the initials "LTA" on them. As Kay and everyone exited their carrier one by one, the man in uniform approached in order to speak to them.

"We are representatives of the Local Traveling Agency. Please state your business here."

Alan cocked his head slightly, confused, while Kyle tried to recall such a name.

"Traveling Agency?"
"I think I've seen that name before on signs and billboards."
"They're a management group who deals in travel services. Exchanging meds, supplies, even letter deliveries. I also hear they employ engineers to help improve travel throughout the world."

After Class explained who the Local Traveling Agency were and what they did, Kay had just pieced together something in his head.

"So they were the ones behind Medan's delivery service."
"Excuse us. We're merely travelers just passing by."

Doctrene said as he gently bowed his head at the uniformed scout.

"Then for your own safety, we must ask that you stay off of the road for now. Travelers have been reported going missing lately, and there was another victim as of today."

Buch was taken aback by this news, as was Kay.

"Who was it?"
"A man named Adam. Right now our scouts are out looking for him, as are we."
"So that's why you're posted here."

The scout answered, confirming Kyle's assumption. Kay looked downward for a moment, taking the time to think on this matter, before looking back at the scout with a concerned expression on his face.

"Is there anything we can do?"
"You can let us know if you see him, or if you find his current whereabouts. If you'd like more details, I'd recommend speaking to the victim's fiancé, Sarah. She should be waiting just outside the inn at the Eastern Lodge."
"Got it. Thanks."

Kay said before walking back to the carrier. Doctrene gave another bow at the scout, as he and everyone else left as well. While going back into their carrier, the party discussed.

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