Elma loses the gang.

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(I might suck at binding spells..yeah. The main four may or may not have been turned into children by some wicked witch.)

"Okay, y'all. Please behave while I wait for an acquaint to arrive.."

reminded a young lady to the boys. Her name was Elma. Elma Jouii. She had medium-ish black to magenta hair, dark blue eyes, and she is wearing an office styled outfit. She was actually a sea serpent dragon.

 (the only difference for Elma in this universe, is that she doesn't work the same job as Kobayashi, and her hair grew a bit longer

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(the only difference for Elma in this universe, is that she doesn't work the same job as Kobayashi, and her hair grew a bit longer.)

The gang said yes at the same time, getting what their supposed legal guardian said. Elma let out a grin and they walk off to wherever the sea serpent can see them.

"Easiest job ever." says Elma.

"Jouii. If I recall correctly from an episode of your original universe's show, you lost three freaking children. And that shouldn't happen twice."

says a feminine voice who was next to her. They had blonde hair, green eyes, and a march band like outfit.

"Oh, relax, would you? I promise you, Maki. I will keep my eye on the boys this time." says Elma to Maki. Maki put their hand on their hip.

"Mhm. You'll see."

Half a freaking hour later..

The three feminine figures, Elma, Maki, and Olivia were chatting about random crud that has recently happened to them.

"And that's why, Liv, I believe we're obviously rivals." says she to her girlfriend.

"Oh, that's a lot to deal with!" Olivia said to her.

"I'm currently on duty, which is watching some boys. I promise you, I never fail a simple task. Wherein one will protect the youngsters from ANY danger—" she looked to the splits, who disappeared into thin air.

"Sigh. What have I told you, Elma.." Maki said to the taller figure. The dragon had words jumbled up in her head, not knowing what to say.


"...ow." says Olivia, whose ears were broken from the screeching.

"Oh, believe me. Eleanor has heard worse." Maki said to her.

"NOT AGAIN!" screamed out the black haired girl. She dashed off to find the boys.

"Life lesson: Never let Elma take the task of babysitting." Maki spoke to no one in particular. They gently grabbed Olivia's wrist and dragged her along to chase Elma who was finding them.

Maki was looking around for one of the boys.

"No wonder why most people aren't experts at watching over children when they act like disappointments." says they to no one. Again. A small figure bumped into Maki's leg. They looked down to see a little beagle. "Oh- hello, Fleegle.." they bent down to pick him up. Surprisingly a bit heavy, but really light.

"Hi, Miss Tsurumaki..!" says Fleegle. They can hear the lisping from the little puppy.

"Where did you and the others even run off to, anyways?"

"Oh, we overheard you and Miss Jouii speak about her being bad at something.."

"Hm..yes. I see, I see. Y'know, let me tell you this. She's actually a horrible person at keeping her eyes on multiple people."

"Ooh, that's a big yipe to her. We ran off to a random forest just to test her."

"And let me guess, y'all splitted up?"


"..One half of me wants to let that slide, Fleeg. Another half of me wouldn't take that." Maki then said. "Now, let's go search for the others!" The blondie placed the beagle down and they went looking for the others.


The two heard a voice. Olivia. She was with a fuzzy grey elephant figure. His name was Snorky. He was honking in worry and ran up to Fleegle to embrace him.

"What did he say..?" Olivia asked. Oh. Not familiar with the honk language.

"He said that he was worried about us." Maki explained to the baby blue eyed girl.

"Ah, I see now." says Olivia.

"Now then. Let's get moving." The four people kept onwards with their little quest to find everyone else.

They founded Bingo, an orange orangutan who was the loudest of the gang.

"Three founded, one more to go." says Maki.

5 minutes later..

"Maybe it's best for us to wait..?" Olivia asked the others.

"Sure." Maki answered. They chatted for a while until..


Elma's echoey voice hollered out. Her chorogon form. They did experience it before a couple of times before they even turned into children. Wanna know who was with Elma the whole time? Drooper. Olivia's eyes widened. Her wings grew out and the flied over to her girlfriend.

"Over here!" Olivia yelled out. "Also, that is HIGHLY DANGEROUS, DROOPER!! You might get hurt!"

"S-sorry.." Drooper said in fear, holding on to Elma for dear life.

"N-nani..?" says Elma, who was shook.

After calming Elma down and everything went back to normal..

"Well, I think we all learned a valuable lesson, gang." says Maki to the whole group, standing behind the desk along with Fleegle on their side.

"And what is the lesson?" asked Bingo.

"Never, and I mean, NEVER make Elma babysit any children for the rest of her life." explained they. "I'd say y'all are pretty smart, even for a small child."

"Fair point.." Elma said behind the camera in embarrassment.

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