Cynthia the Two-tailed Calico Cat

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  and another. voice claim at second slide, but more southern accent.
Birthdate: 07/06 [July 6th]
Gender: Demigirl
Sexuality: Pansexual[She/They]
• 26 years old(2 months and a day older than Fleegle).
• Irish-Canadian
• An ambitious, honest, and caring person.
• Fleegle's childhood friend.
• Kinda got bullied because of her double-tails. Fleeg usually stood up for her day by day til' Cynthia said she can take care of herself(or not...?).
• Unlike Drooper, she's able to take heights. Like a normal cat would.
• Practically fearless. Well, she doesn't like being chased with a broom.
• Has a heavy southern accent.
• Can take spicy food. Not the extremely spicy kind, though.
• Loves strawberry flavored things. That doesn't mean she doesn't like any other flavors other than that one.
• Her pupils light up, literally, whenever she gets excited.
• When her pupils don't light up, that would mean she's feeling down or she's lying.
• No, she ain't part of the Banana Splits. Though, she did handcraft the signature hat just to mess around with. Which people would mistake her as a member, but she's not.
• Part of a small idol trio called the Misty Strawberries.
• Plays the lyre.
• Crafty
• Can fix anything in a millisecond.
• A pro at gymnastics.
• Will go feral if anyone dares to mess with her friends.
• Sensitive at her paws.

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