Amala: A memory lost (prologue)

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This is a stroy the I began when I was about 12, and I have edited and redited it over the years. It has been through many name changes and character eliminations, but finally I believe I can begin posting it. Be sure to comment and tell me what you think. =)

The cover of the story is made by Musiqueamour. She did a very awesome job! Thank you very much =D

Also note that all memories, out of body experiences, and dreams are written in italics.

-Acacia (aka: Pandasgirl)




She turned to look back at the child, who hugged her doll so tightly in fear that the seams began to stretch. The girl looked up at her in horror, with lips trembling and tears overflowing in her eyes. The room around them was painted in blood, and decorated with mangled corpses. It was too much death at once for the girl to handle and she could see that the horror was already tearing her apart inside. She wished wish every ounce of her soul that she could make it all better, but she didn't know what to do.

"Mama? Wh-why does he want to kill us?" the girl's voice cracked under the pressure, "What did we ever do to him?"

She went to her knees in front of her daughter and took her face in her hands. The purple in her eyes reflected the red glow in the room, and the purple ribbon that tied her black hair into a ponytail was already tainted by the massacre. Her daughter had only just been asleep minutes before the nightmare began, and when the screams invaded her sleep, she ran crying to the only person she knew would have a chance at protecting her, at comforting her. That had only led the girl deeper into their own type of hell, and she had no idea how to fix it.

"Mia..." she paused and shook her head as she struggled for the strength to speak, "Some people are born broken, and sometimes they can be fixed before it's too late, but..."

"Nobody fixed him?" Mia whispered quietly.

She shook her head, "No, nobody fixed him baby."

"So what happens to the people that aren't broken?"  She watched Mia ask hopefully.

"They fight for what they believe in and who they love....They fight to survive...and hope that everything will be ok." She answered and watched as her daughter's eyes began to calm.

"Are you gonna fight momma?"

She nodded, "Yes, baby, I will."

"And will it be ok?"

"I'm sure it will be."

"For me and papa too?"

She nodded again, "For you and papa too."

Her daughter looked down at her feet with solemn eyes. Truthfully she didn't know if it was going to be ok, but she would tell Mia anything she needed to hear to make her smile. Even if they made it out of this bloody nightmare, it would be even harder making it back to their home in the city nearly a 15 hour horse ride away from where they were now. She hoped and prayed that there was someone on their way to help them, but with no contact to the outside world, they wouldn't know until the help arrived, and by then it might be too late.

"Come on," she coaxed, "we'll go find papa."

Mia nodded and took her hand. She could still feel her child trembling under the comfort of her touch and it was almost enough to make her break down in tears herself, but she couldn't do that. Not here, and not now. She needed to be strong because the moment she wasn't, everything seemed to fall apart. All she had ever known was bloody torment, and she would be damned if it would be the same way for Mia.

"Mama!" the girl tugged on her hand frantically, "I saw something! Down the hall, mama, over there!"

"Stay close Mia." she warned as she began to slowly walk down the hall.

Mia squeezed her hand as hard as she could, terrified of what might happen if she let go. The sounds that began to play were getting closer as they inched down the hall, and for a moment she felt relief as she recognized the muffled voice of her husband, but as she opened the door terror began to consume her again. The man behind the hell that had become her life stood before her with a sword pressed firmly against her husband's neck.

"Just in time." the man's lips twitched with amusement.

She watched her husband look back at her apologetically as the man pulled the sword back. He had gathered every bit of love he had for her and Mia in his eyes in a way that said he had tried everything that he could. She watched him whisper goodbye as the sword came down again, slicing through his flesh and splattering the crimson text as far as his daughter's feet. She screamed in agony as Mia's voice rang in her ears, and she struggled to hold Mia back as she watched her husband's head roll across the floor before stopping in front of his daughter's feet. His eyes still remained open, and his expression was still as apologetic as it was when they entered the room.

"Papa!" Mia screamed in tears, "Papa!"

"You monster!" she shouted at the man as tears began to well up in her eyes, "When will it ever be enough?!"

The man chuckled as he kicked her husband's lifeless body to the floor, "You should know me by now."

She pulled Mia close to her chest as the man began to eye her with curiosity, and she ran with every bit of hope she had left. She kicked down doors and broke through walls looking for a safe exit, but where ever she looked, he was waiting for her with a painfully wicked smile. Mia clung to her chest as she ran shoulder first into the stone wall, and she tumbled to the ground outside after it crumbled under her force. She struggled to push herself of the ground and reach for her daughter, who was unconscious a few feet away from her, but before she could get close she was greeted with a sharp pain in her chest.

"Trying to run?" the man laughed as he kicked her onto her back, "That's all you were ever good at wasn't it?"

She struggled to push herself away from him as pain began to close over her shoulder, but she wasn't able to get far before he kicked her to the ground again.

"You'll never know how long I've waited for this moment." he grinned as he pulled his sword back for her final blow.

She watched him carefully as she waited for the end to come, and as the sword came down she braced herself for an impact that never came. Instants before the attack, she watched as Mia ran in front of her and screamed as she watched him cut her down. She could almost hear her heart breaking as he kicked Mia clean of his blade and back into her lap. Her whole life had just been torn from her, and there was nothing she could do to reverse it.

"Tut." he clicked his tongue to the top of his mouth and wiped his blade clean.

He would have gone for her again if it hadn't been for the sound of horses running their way. He looked back at the damage he dealt and smiled again. Her heart and soul would drown in pain from watching her daughter bleed out in her arms. That alone was enough pain and torment to last him a long while. He would leave her be, for now.

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