"Hey! Come back! You forgot to pay!"

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Inspired by a_little_dizzy , lemurthequailfriend and WolfiaFan10

 Christopher Pierre lied down on his bed in his big, monochrome mansion. It was late, around midnight. 

He tried to go to sleep, tossing and turning in the blankets. Something was bothering him. He tried to remember what he had done that day, and what he could've possibly forgotten to make him feel so strange.

Chris stared at the ceiling, thinking and feeling for the source of his frustration. Suddenly, he realized. He hadn't eaten in a while. There was no food or drinks in the big mansion of his. Not even a simple bottle of water. 

The only thing he'd had to drink was milk. And he'd poured it all down the drain. Christopher got out of bed, put on outside clothes, and left for Walmart.

 Luckily, the crazy bandage kid wasn't there. Or at least didn't have a gun. 

Chris walked down the aisle in the food section but didn't see anything he really wanted. Then, he walked into the canned food aisle. 

He still didn't see anything he liked, until he passed a can with a green and yellow wrapping. He grabbed the can off the shelf and stared at it. It was a can of... corn.

Somehow, out of all of the food in the entire store, the first thing he grabbed (and seemed to want to try) was canned corn. 

He put it in his cart and walked around some more before realizing he was still hungry.

Walking around with a can in his cart wouldn't make him stop being hungry, so he went back to grab three more cans of corn and left. 

The monochrome twizzler stopped at the exit to decide if he should pay for his corn. A cashier was looking at him, waiting for him to come over with his groceries. 

So, Chris went over to the cashier... and passed them to go the exit. The cashier was surprised that Christopher just walked past them, so they started yelling at him to come back. But he didn't care and left the store. 

He grabbed his corn out of his cart and walked back home. Eventually the cashier had been left behind, and the big mansion came into view. He walked into the kitchen and looked for something to open the corn with. 

He owned no can openers. The only thing he could use was his bat.

So, Christopher grabbed his bat, positioned the cans, and swung.

One can dented a little, but it didn't open. Chris frowned and swung his bat again. The can dented slightly more. Christopher was beginning to get frustrated. He stared at the corn for a long time, pondering what else he could do to open the cans. He grabbed the untouched cans and set them on the counter nearest to him. Then he aimed his bat and swung again. 

The can simply dented a little more than before, but still showed no signs of opening. Chris sighed and went upstairs to go to sleep. He'd try again in the morning. After all, it was 1:00 AM.

Christopher falls in love with canned cornWhere stories live. Discover now