"Don't be mean to my boots! They were very expensive!"

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Christopher and Nancy walk into Francis's house. Francis walks into the kitchen to grab something. Nancy stands by a tall lamp and Christopher sits down on the couch. The two women whip their heads around to look at Christopher. He sits in silence for a few moments before looking up at the both of them and asking, "What?" Nancy groans at the same time that Francis says, "I didn't say you could sit down on the couch!" Christopher looks at Francis, then back at Nancy for a few times before he finally speaks. "You didn't say I couldn't sit on the couch, though, so I assumed that it would be alright to." 

Francis rolled her eyes and went back into the kitchen. Christopher remained sitting on the couch. Nancy kept staring at him, except this time, she was slowly shaking her head as if she were telling Christopher not to do something. The aforementioned man looked over at Nancy, rolled his eyes, then laid down on the couch with his arms behind his head, setting his feet on the arm rest. 

Nancy sighed. "There's no hope for you, is there?" She asked annoyedly. Those were the first words she uttered in Francis's house. They were not the last. 

Christopher rolled his eyes again. "I don't know what you're talking about. She still didn't tell me to not sit on the couch, so that means it's still alright for me too!" 

Now it was Nancy's turn to roll her eyes. "It was never alright for you to sit on the couch. And you're wearing boots." Christopher sat up when Nancy mentioned his boots, but he didn't move his feet. "My boots are beautiful and expensive! Francis should be glad I set my boots on her couch. In fact, she should be thanking me for bringing them into her house!" Nancy stared at him with an irritated expression. "What? My boots are that expensive! They cost almost a thousand dollars!" Nancy still stared at him. "No, I didn't steal them-" 

"That's not what I'm talking about." Nancy interrupted. "Francis shouldn't be thanking you for tracking mud into her house and putting it on her couch. Sure, the mud came off of expensive boots, but that's the same thing as someone like Francis hiding away on an expensive cruise ship without paying and making her way somewhere she doesn't belong. Riding on the expensive ship doesn't make her any different than she was before she got on it." 

Christopher rolled his eyes. "Well, it's my mud because I brought it in from outside..." Christopher stared into space, looking confused. "Wait... mud? On my expensive boots!?" He swung his legs around the couch and then down on the floor. "Nancy, why didn't you tell me?! My boots don't deserve to be tainted and dirtied with horrid mud from outside!" The expensive boot wearing man tried to wipe his boots off on the carpet in Francis's living room. "Christopher! Do that outside! What if Francis comes?" 

Francis stepped in the room at that very moment with a plate of gourmet-looking crackers in her hand. "Speak of the devil." Nancy muttered under her breath. Luckily, Francis didn't hear her. She was busy pulling Christopher by his hair towards the door and scolding him. 

"What is wrong with you?! Don't you have parents? Don't you know how to behave in other people's houses?!  Did anyone ever teach you your manners? Who raised you anyway? Get your dirty boots out of my house!"

Christopher didn't seem to be paying attention to anything Francis said until she said something about his boots. "Don't be mean to my boots! They were very expensive!" 

Francis pulled him harder. "Ow!" He yelled as the woman shrieked, "All you care about are your boots, huh? *Get out of my house*!" Christopher pouted. "But what about the crackers?" "I wasn't planning on giving you any to begin with, and I'm not changing my mind now!"

Christopher huffed. "Well, I didn't want crackers anyway! Stop fucking pulling me!" 

"Well, you're nowhere near the door yet, so if you'd stop fighting and get out, then maybe I might stop pulling you. Hm?" The woman offered. "But-" 

"No buts! Get. Out!" Francis managed to get Christopher near the door. He refused to stop fighting and pulling away, but the older woman proved to be stronger. She reached the doorknob and whipped open the door. Christopher screamed as loud as he could. Francis threw him out the door and shut it. Christopher got up just as the door locked with a click sound. "Ugh!" Christopher got up and walked down the driveway. 

As Christopher made his way to the sidewalk near the driveway, a boy was walking on the same walkway. He stared at the strange man who was sitting on the pavement with his arms crossed. "Are you... okay?" Christopher looked up at the boy. He seemed to be around eighteen. He had blond-brown-ish hair and brown eyes. 

Christopher smiled at the boy. "Oh, I'm fine. Are you okay? I mean, going around asking random people questions. I don't think that-" The boy interrupted him. "I'm... I'm okay. My name's Kennith. What's yours?" Christopher raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're okay? I mean, I'm a random person and you're just going to tell me your name-" Kennith interrupted him a second time. "Yes, and I asked you yours. What is your name?"

"I'm Christopher." Kennith held out his hand towards the man who was still sitting on the sidewalk. "Nice to meet you, Christopher." Christopher sighed, then smiled kindly. "Nice to meet you too, Kennith." He shook the boy's hand. 

"Now, I hope it's not too... personal... but, uh, what exactly are you doing sitting out here?" Christopher sighed. "I came here with a friend and the crazy lady who lives here just threw me out the door, even though I didn't do anything wrong." He rolled his eyes. "Oh. That's unfortunate." Kennith looked around. "Hey, isn't this Francis's house?" 

Christopher inhaled, preparing for Kennith to ask even more questions. "Yeah, it-" 

Nancy came storming out of the house angrily. Christopher quickly stood up. "Wow, you look like a wreck! What happened?"  Kennith looked between the two. "That's your friend?" The exasperated woman looked at the boy standing next to Christopher. "Who's this?" She asked. "Oh, hi! I'm Kennith. I, uh, I live on this street. Your friend here was sitting on the sidewalk, and I was just asking him why." 

"Mhm!" Christopher confirmed

Nancy sighed. She seemed a little less mad as she turned to Kennith. "That's very nice of you, Kennith. How old are you, might I ask?" The boy smiled. "I'm eighteen!" 

"I'm twenty-four-" Christopher added. "Yes, but we all knew that already." Nancy rolled her eyes at him. "I didn't." Kennith added.

"Christopher?" Nancy asked.

"Yes, Nancy?"

"Francis wants your phone."


"What? Why?" Christopher asked after a moment of silence. "Because you said you'd let her call Henry on your phone after we asked our questions."

"I did, didn't I? Hm. Well, there's nothing stopping me from running away right now. I mean, it's *my* phone. And she *kicked* me out of her house, so, honestly, she doesn't really deserve my phone." 

Kennith stood infront of the two of them. "Maybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I bring that lady her groceries because she's not allowed in stores anymore. I know what she'll do to get her hands on a working phone."

Christopher sighed. "So, I suppose we should make a run for it and hope she's not as fast as she is strong?" 

"No! Are you crazy? We should give her your phone and let her call Henry. Just... once. Look, I don't want her to call Henry either, but we have to."

Christopher sighed. "I guess there's just no helping it." He walked up the driveway, toward the door, and got ready to knock. Then he turned on his heel and ran away as fast as he could.

Nancy and Kennith caught him before he could leave the driveway. 


So, Nancy and Kennith walked up to the front door holding Christopher so he couldn't run away. Nancy sighed and knocked on the door.

Christopher falls in love with canned cornWhere stories live. Discover now