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"Alright. So... you're going back to your house?" Christopher asked, raising an eyebrow. He held his hands behind his back, leaning on his toes. Nancy sighed and shook her head. "Yeah. I know more about Henry, so now I can take that to try to solve our relationship. 

Christopher leaned backward so he stood properly on his feet. "Alright." He smiled at Nancy. The woman started walking past Christopher, then turned around. "Oh! You were really a great help. Here, have this." Nancy handed him a one-dollar bill. She smiled at him and then turned around. 

After thinking about mirrors and other things for a long time, Christopher was very irritated, and Nancy giving him only one dollar made him feel even worse. He never planned on his services being free, so Nancy's single dollar made him feel ripped off. But he chose not to say anything and simply started walking in any direction to find his house. Or at least get out of the neighborhood. He yawned. Perhaps he'd stop by Cakey's Bakery. There was a bathroom in there. And bathrooms had mirrors.

Christopher shook his head. He can't think about mirrors now, he'd never stop. 

Maybe Cakey made that corn cake he told her about a couple of days ago. 

Had it really been that long since he met Nancy? 

Christopher sighed and continued walking. Was he even going the right way?

He looked around. He seemed to be going the way he came. That was good. Christopher yawned again. He hadn't gone to sleep in a while. And if he stared in a mirror in Cakey's Bakery, he wouldn't get any sleep at all.

Cakey's bakery reminded him of the corn he kindly took from Walmart. Which reminded him of the last time he went to sleep. Three or so days ago.

After a long time, he eventually reached Cakey's Bakery. It was about to close. Christopher didn't care. He walked into the building and yawned.

Christopher opened the door to the bakery. The bell attached to the door rung. Cakey was cleaning the display window. "We're closed an hour early today, but the bakery opens at 5am every day-" Cakey was going to say more, but she turned around and saw Christopher, who looked very exhausted. "Oh, hey, Christopher. It's you! Y'know, since you're here, could you let these two stay with you for a little?" She waved a hand at two people who were standing next to a table, then turned back around to wipe the display window.

One of them had long hair and a shirt that came off the shoulders. The other was...



Christopher and Tamari, the cashier from Walmart both pointed at each other, making horrified expressions. 

"I take it you've... already met?" Cakey had her head turned towards the three. She looked just as confused as the other person that Christopher wasn't paying attention to.

"He stole three cans of corn from Walmart! And a can opener!"

"Um, no, I paid for the can opener. You know I did."

"You didn't pay the tax."

"Okay? I paid for it, didn't I?"

"You still haven't paid for the corn!"

"Well, I'm very irritated right now, so if you could stop talking about the corn-"

"Christopher?" Cakey asked quietly. 

Christopher looked in her direction. "Yes?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Tamari and Mariyam need a place to stay for a little. Can you give them that?"

Christopher was about to say no, but he looked at Mariyam. They looked like they really needed a place to stay. Christopher sighed. "Sure. BUT!" He yelled the last word so no one could interrupt him. "I need to go to the bathroom."

He walked to the back of the bakery, where the bathroom was. He immediately went to look at his reflection in the mirror. 

Christopher stared into his reflection. He didn't move for a while, admiring his beautiful face, puffy hair, and luscious long eyelashes. He smiled at his reflection. He was not quite yet satisfied with staring at himself.

 Then his reflection began to swirl and shift. His reflection grew multiple arms. 

There was no longer anything satisfactory with staring into the mirror. In fact, the monster that replaced his reflection was quite terrifying.

Christopher was just about to punch the mirror for distorting his reflection in such a horrible way when Tamari suddenly walked into the bathroom. "Aah!" Christopher screamed. He gripped the sink tightly. "What in the-?" 

The cashier from Walmart smiled. "What are you doing in here?"

"Why do you care?" Christopher asked. 

"Because you've been in here for a while. Cakey's getting worried."

"And what do I care about Cakey?" Christopher crossed his arms, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Isn't she your friend or something?" Tamari raised an eyebrow.

Christopher rolled his eyes and walked past Tamari to leave the bathroom. The Walmart cashier giggled and followed behind him.

Cakey was waiting for him. "Christopher!" She ran to him and hugged him. "Aah!" Christopher couldn't dodge the hug and simply let Cakey hold him until she realized he wasn't going to hug her back. Cakey sighed and took a step back. 

"... Do I really have to show you two where my mansion is?" Christopher crossed his arms and looked at Mariyam and Tamari.

"I know your mansion sticks out from all the other small houses next to it, but, you'll have to show them."

Christopher groaned. "Alright. Come on." Christopher walked out of the bakery, not bothering to check if Tamari and their sister were following. But he did walk slowly, just in case they were.

Christopher continued walking away from Cakey's Bakery, not bothering to look behind himself. He heard several Stop!'s and Wait!'s, but he did neither and kept walking to his mansion. Suddenly, he remembered the corn. How wonderful the corn tasted. He remembered that he wanted more, and that was why he went to Cakey's bakery, why he helped Nancy, and how he ended up providing accommodations for the annoying cashier from Walmart who didn't want him to have his corn and their sister.

Corn did all these horrible things to him. But it tasted so good, he had to let it slide. Plus, he'd gotten a dollar from all of the things he'd experienced in the past three or so days.

Christopher falls in love with canned cornWhere stories live. Discover now