"Why does everything remind me of mirrors!?"

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Christopher held his hand up to the door. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, for real this time. There was a loud crashing sound, and an even louder "What do you want this time!?"

There were even more noisy sounds that suggested Frances was in the kitchen. Then, quick padded footsteps sounded. The door opened. The first thing Frances did as she opened the door was look directly at Christopher, despite the fact that the was a person on either side of him to look at before seeing him.

"You again!?" Frances exclaimed as the same time that Christopher said calmly, "We meet again."

"I suppose you're here to give me my phone call?" 

The monochrome man sighed. "I suppose I am." 

Francis held her hand out expectantly. Christopher stared at her hand. He didn't do anything for a few seconds except stare at the woman in the doorway. Then he pulled his phone out and went in his contacts and called Henry. 

He finally handed Francis the phone. The woman tried to shut the door as fast as she could, but Christopher was faster. He held the door with an open hand. His other hand was out, for Francis to put his phone back in to, which the woman obviously wasn't going to do. Frances held a finger up as if to shush Christopher, or to tell him to wait for something. Her eyes widened. Christopher wondered why for a few seconds, then realized what had happened. Henry had answered the phone.

"Henry! Are you alright? You've never answered any of my calls and I got worried-" Francis put the phone down, but not in Christopher's hand. 

"He.. hung up on me." Frances turned around and walked back in the house.

With Christopher's phone.

"Hey! My phone! You didn't give it back!" 

Frances ignored Christopher's complaints and walked back in the house. She sat down on the couch, crying. "Henry hung up on me!" Christopher scowled at her. "You deserved it for snatching my phone and not giving it back." 

"Christopher!" Nancy elbowed Christopher in the ribs. "Ow! What was that for?!" Nancy stared at Christopher. "What? It's true. She did snatch my phone. And look, she still has it!" Nancy rolled her eyes and slowly walked over to her mother-in-law. "Frances, miss. Christopher need his phone back." 

Francis sniffed. "Oh, alright." She handed Nancy the phone and returned to sulking on her couch. 

Nancy handed Christopher his phone back and walked out the door. Kennith followed, and Christopher left the house last. 

"So... what now?" Kennith asked. They were all standing on the sidewalk, directly outside Frances's house. Nancy was looking off to the side with her arms crossed, and Christopher was sitting down on the asphalt, arms also crossed. Kennith stood there with his arms in his pockets. None of them knew what to do, because Nancy hadn't gotten any information from Frances, and she didn't know anyone else who knew more about Henry than herself.

Kennith sighed. He didn't wanna cross his arms because Nancy and Christopher were both already doing that, but he felt like it. "Nothing, then? We're all just gonna...stand here and wait?"

Nancy and Christopher both confirmed the answer to Kennith's question. "Yup." Christopher nodded.

 "I guess." Nancy shrugged.

Kennith sighed. "Well, it was nice meeting you two, but I've got somewhere to be. Bye!" Kennith ran off.

Neither Nancy nor Christoper moved more than lifting their hands to wave to Kennith.

The two of them stayed in front of Frances's house with their arms crossed for a few more minutes, till Christopher spoke. "Didn't you say something about a neighbor of yours? Some... Ray guy?"

Christopher falls in love with canned cornWhere stories live. Discover now