"What on earth do you think you're doing!?"

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Christopher Pierre, the monochrome mirror-shattering-bat-wielding man, yawned and saw his mansion coming into view. He ran up to the porch and opened the door, which he had left unlocked when he went to get a spoon from Cakey's Bakery a few days ago.

Chris walked into his house, went up the stairs, and into his room. He shut the door behind him and walked over to his bed. He slowly laid down on it and then closed his eyes. It had been a long three days. He hadn't slept at all during that time. So after a few seconds of lying on his bed, he fell asleep.

A few seconds of calm, then a loud -boom- came from the door. The loud sound woke the monochromatic man up.

"Tamari, please, don't-"

Another -boom-.


"He locked himself in his room without showing us where to go."

"That's no reason to-"


"Ugh, what do you want?!" The monochrome mansion-residing man sat up, heavily irritated. He whipped open the door before Tamari could break it.

"Aaah!" Tamari's leg was raised like they were about to kick the door again. Christopher looked at their leg and then back at them, very annoyed. "Heh. Heheheh..."

Christopher rolled his eyes. "Ugh. I'll take you two to the guest room. You stay there unless I tell you to leave, okay?"

The other of the two in front of Christopher's room door shook their head. "That's a little rude. Please give us a full tour."

Christopher sighed. "I'm really tired right now. Maybe later?" He quickly shut the door, but Tamari held it open. Mariyam sighed. "He said later, Tamari. Come on."

"No! He hasn't shown us where to go and where everything is!"

"Later, Tamari. Come on. There's a couch in the front entrance, we can stay there for a little."

"See, Cashier? Your sister gets it." Christopher smiled at Tamari. 

"THAT'S NOT MY NAME-!" Christopher closed the door because he was too tired to listen to the cashier from Walmart and their sister.

More things were said between Tamari and Mariyam, but Christopher was too tired to listen. He collapsed onto his bed and fell asleep.

Tamari was shaking Christopher awake with a distressed look on their face. "Hey! Wake up! You still haven't given us that tour you were talking about!" Christopher didn't hear everything they said. He heard the 'wake up' part, that was loud, something about a tour...?

"What in the world...?" Chris woke up slowly.

"Oh, you're still here." He said with an annoyed sigh as he rolled out of bed. Tamari raised an eyebrow. Mariyam was standing in the corner. They were clearly annoyed with the bickering between Christopher and their sibling. "We haven't gone anywhere and we're not gonna go anywhere till we have everything sorted out in this stupid neighborhood of yours."

"Okay, first, this neighborhood isn't stupid. Second..." Christopher sighed. "Ugh, fine. I'll give you your damn tour already. But only because you clearly won't shut up about it. But-!"

Christopher said 'But' loudly to make sure Tamari didn't interrupt him.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom first."

"To look at yourself in the mirror for an hour?" Tamari said with a smug smile on their face. Mariyam shook their head in annoyance and sighed, not looking up.

Christopher groaned, an odd smile on his face.

"Oh, real nice, Cashier. Can you be any more cruel to me?" Tamari looked confused and offended.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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