"Come on in. But don't touch anything!"

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Nancy and Christopher exited the bakery together. Neither of the two said a word as they walked to Nancy's house. But as soon and Chris walked in the doorway, he immediately asked Nancy, "So, what's the deal with your husband?"

"Shh! He's asleep in our room. I don't want him to hear us talking about him." Christopher sighed. "Then why are we in your house?" He asked quietly. "Because I have something to leave Henry." Nancy pulled a plate with a clear cover on top of it out of a surprisingly big pocket in her dress. On the plate was a wonderful slice of cake that was yellow with brown frosting and a strawberry on the center. She set the plate on a table near a door down the hallway in her house and took the cover off, setting it next to the plate. Then she nodded to Christopher and silently walked towards the door that led out of the house. Chris quickly followed her.

Nancy opened the door and let Christopher walk out. She followed and closed the door behind her.

The pair walked towards the general direction of the park. Once they were far enough from Nancy's house, Nancy blurted out quickly, "Henry's been acting like he doesn't want to be around me for the past month now and I don't know what I'm supposed to do because I don't know why he feels this way, and I'd really appreciate your help if you're willing!"

Christopher stared at Nancy like she was crazy. "O... kay. Sure, I'll help. But like I said in the bakery, how?" Nancy sighed. "We might have to ask Henry's..." Christopher blinked, waiting for Nancy to finish her sentence. Finally, after almost a full minute, the woman spoke up. "Henry's mother." Christopher looked around himself before asking, "What's so bad about his mom that you had to take that long of a pause?" Nancy shrugged.

"She knows more than I do about Henry. But she's awfully clingy towards him and wonders why we haven't called, although when Henry was a child, she acted horrible towards him, as if she didn't want him at all. So, I'm a little afraid when it comes to that woman."

Christopher nodded. "Ah, I see. Might I ask for her name?"

"Frances. Frances Elsner."

"I remember that name! Frances... Frances... That's right! She came over uninvited to hang out at my mansion. She was horribly boring though. I tried to offer her some food, a drink of water, but she ignored me! She simply asked whether I had a phone in the house or not. I did, but of course I didn't tell her that. But no matter what I said, she looked around anyway to find one! In every room! The nerve of that woman. She's Henry's mother?" Nancy stared at Christopher in shock. "So you have met her before. Yes, she's Henry's mother. It's kinda surprising, but it's true."

Christopher sighed. "So, where does this woman live?" Nancy nodded her head in a direction.

The two of them went to Francis's house. It was a three-story building with flowers in the front yard. Nancy and Christopher walked up to the door. Nancy reached up to knock on the door, but Christopher beat her to it.

There was no response.

Nancy knocked again. No one showed up at the door. Christopher stepped closer to the door. He raised his fist to knock as hard as he possibly could. The door opened then. A woman with dark brown hair opened the door. She looked at the strange pair on her doorstep. "What do you two want?" She asked sharply.

"We wanted to know why your son has been acting weird around Nancy." Christopher said calmly. Francis peeked her head out of the door. "Is he here with you?"

Nancy shook her head. "We were- no, I was...wondering why Henry was acting weird around me, and we assumed you'd know something about it!" Nancy smiled.

Francis rolled her eyes. "I'll tell you whatever it is you want to know if you allow me to call him. Just once."

Christopher sighed and pulled a smartphone out of his pocket. "Calling Henry isn't going to do shit. He doesn't even know my number. But if that's what you want..."

Francis reached for the monochrome phone in Christopher's hand.

"Ah." He lifted the phone up out of the woman's reach. "After you answer Nancy's questions."

Francis sighed and opened the door. "Come on in. But don't touch anything!"

Christopher and Nancy walked into the house.

Christopher falls in love with canned cornWhere stories live. Discover now