"This tastes heavenly! Where has it been all my life?"

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Image from GHOST on... YouTube i think

Christopher took the open can to the dining room. There were, unfortunately, no tables, but there was a couch and TV in the room, so he sat down on said couch with his can of corn.

The monochrome twizzler stared at the corn, then looked at his hand. He sighed and tried to put his hand in the metal can. His hand did not fit; the can was far too small. Then he tilted the can over his mouth, hoping the corn inside would fall out.

Just as the corn was about to fall out, Chris realized how messy it would be if it did. He certainly wouldn't be able to catch it all. He put his arm down, still holding the can and walked outside, heading towards the local bakery. He hoped Cakey would have something he could eat with.

________________________________________________________________________________Christopher opened the door to the bakery, can of corn still in hand. The bell tied to the door rung. "Hello!" A familiar voice called out. "Good morning, Cakey!" Chris greeted back. Cakey was standing behind a display case, waving at Chris. She was wearing her iconic shirt, suspenders, and shorts. "You're a little early, don't you think?" She teased. "Heh. Well, I have nothing to eat this corn with, so I was hoping you'd have something!" Chris pointed out, holding the can of corn where Cakey could see it.

Cakey didn't move. She made strange 'hmm' noises. "You... brought a can of corn here?"


"I- what?? Alright, there's a container of spoons somewhere over here..."

Cakey bent down and looked into the cabinets on the other side of the counter. Christopher rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, waiting for the baker to stand up. After a few minutes of waiting, Christopher decided to sit down. He yawned and looked at the clock. It read: 6:09. He'd been awake for so long for a single can of corn. He rolled his eyes again and laid his head down on the table.

Then, the door opened and the bell rung. Christopher's sister, Slurpee had come in. "Ooh, I smell something good- Chris?" She looked in the monochrome twizzler's direction.

"Hello, Slurpee." He said somewhat cheerfully, can of corn in front of him.

Slurpee noticed the can and raised an eyebrow. "Corn? Why?" Christopher sighed. "It was the only thing I could find at... Dollar General." He lied.

"Dollar General? Are you sure it wasn't Walmart? I heard there were some cans of corn stolen from Walmart." Slurpee inquiried.

"No, I'm sure, it was-"

"Walmart." Cakey said suddenly, standing up with an open can with plastic spoons inside. "I saw him there."

"Cakey!" Chris yelled urgently.

"What? It's true, I did see you. Also, I got some spoons for that stolen corn of yours." Cakey snickered. Slurpee sighed and shook her head as Christopher got up to get a spoon from Cakey. "Thank you." He muttered under his breath angrily.

He grabbed his can of corn off the table and left the bakery, slamming the door behind himself. Slurpee watched him leave and rolled her eyes. Cakey tsked and looked towards Slurpee, asking her what she wanted to get.

________________________________________________________________________________Christopher walked down the street on the sidewalk, putting his spoon into the can of corn that he'd been carrying for around an hour.

He scooped some corn and put it in his mouth. He chewed the corn and swallowed it, not caring about the taste. He ate some more before he actually tried to taste the stuff, but when he did, he realized the corn tasted amazing. He put more in his mouth, tasting the corn and the juices that spilled out of it.

He looked at the can of corn, trying to find what brand of corn it was. "This tastes heavenly! Where has it been all my life?" He received a few looks in his direction, but at that moment, he didn't care. He'd felt something about the corn, something different. He had never eaten anything that gave him the same feeling.

Perhaps he just liked corn a lot. Maybe it was because it was the first thing he'd eaten in the past three months. But the corn tasted like nothing he'd ever eaten before, and he loved it.

Before he knew it, the can was empty, and there was nothing for him to eat. He sighed and threw the empty can into a nearby trash can and continued on his walk.

Christopher falls in love with canned cornWhere stories live. Discover now