Chapter Thirteen

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Less then 24 hours and my lips were having Ffion withdrawals. I was a man addicted to the taste and feel of an angels lips, an addicted man deprived of the thing he wanted most.

I preach professionalism and confidentiality, yet here I am, counting down the hours until Ffion Brisden is sitting across from me, sharing the deepest, darkest parts of her soul with me, all of which I take and make apart of me without hesitation.

For a woman so clearly fucked up, she sure made psychotic look a dream. My dream.

And I ruined everything.

I finally got to kiss her lips and touch her skin, things I'd only dreamt of doing, and still managed to fuck it all up because my conscience was telling me it was wrong. It wasn't wrong to kiss Ffion, but it was wrong to kiss my patient.

And yet I couldn't care less about my job the moment she rested back against the couch, tucking her knees to her chest as all the insecurities she'd grown up with invaded not only her brain, but her perception of me.

She thought the sight of her made me uncomfortable, she thought the thought of her make my skin crawl, she didn't once think I wasn't like that dead beat Ian who'd shame her in a heartbeat all because she wasn't supermodel skinny. Sure they were pretty, but Ffion Brisden was prettier.

Everything about her screamed woman, I struggled to resist touching her. Her hair, her eyes, her plump pink lips and her drool worthy thighs. So thick, so beautiful, so bitable.

So everything I fucking needed.

The patient I usually see before Ffion is away on holiday so I had a free hour to myself, where I got to fantisize about a woman totally off limits. The second the minute hand struck 5:30 I was up, stepping out into the little waiting area, in search of Ffion, but she was nowhere in sight.

I shrugged it off, leaning back against the wall beside my door, with my arms crossed over my chest as I watched the entrance for the next 10 minutes waiting, anticipating Ffion's arrival...that never came.

I walked over to the front reception, leaning on the bench to look down at Lara as she sat on a seat, typing away on the desktop. She glanced up, her wrinkled face brightening with a smile when she saw me.

"Hey handsome. What can I do for you?" Warmth filled my chest at the maternal like greeting, but I kept my face stoic.

"My 4:30, Ffion Brisden. Did she cancel?" I asked suspiciously, having a feel as to why she wasn't here. Lara frowned, flattening her lips against each other as she looked back to the deskopt clicking and typing before opening her mouth.

"...yes..." Lara drew out, confused about whatever she's reading.

"Apparently she didn't turn up for work this morning due to illness, so Katherine her boss cancelled her afternoon psych session" Lara replied, frowning. I kept my face straight, but couldn't help my wandering mind. Was Ffion okay? How sick was she? Has she been to the doctor?

I nodded. "Do I have anymore sessions for today?"

"Nope. You are free to run wild" Lara smiled up at me, patting my hand. I huffed a small laugh, offering the older woman a smile.

"I'm not one of your horses, Lara" I responded, squeezing the woman's hand before turning and heading forwards my office.

"I know. Even they smile more" Lara teased before I shut my office door behind myself. I took this time gathering and organising my things before heading out of the office for the rest of the day.

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