Chapter Twenty Eight

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I wake up to an empty bed, Keaton's head indent still in the pillow but the side he slept on is cold. I roll over and look at the bed side table, a frown consuming my face. No note. No Keaton. No nothing. 

He just left, and without saying-

"Motherfucking piece of shit" The quiet yet aggressive yell has me sitting up so fast my head spins for a split second. I push the doona off my body and quickly throw on Keaton's hoodie he left here a couple days ago before sneaking out of my room and into the kitchen. 

I immediately sigh, all the tension leaving my body as my eyes come into contact with Keaton's bare back as he towers over my stove. His slouched broad shoulders hide whatever he's doing, my eyes sliding down his body and resting over the grey tracksuit pants sitting low on his hips. A small smile spreads across my face at the fucking amazing scent that hits my nostrils. 

I sneak up behind Keaton, his whole body tensing as I wrap my arms around him from behind, resting my forehead against his back. He relaxes against me, one hand coming up to hold onto mine connected against his stomach. 

"Hey" His raspy morning voice scratches an itch in my brain as he squeezes my hands. 

"Smells good" I mumble against his back, pressing a kiss to his cold skin before resting my cheek against him. 

"Cooking is one of my few talents. My Mum taught me everything" Keaton replies just as his phone sitting on the counter starts ringing. I let him go so he can grab it, watching his face as he rolls his eyes reading the name on the screen. A light chuckle leaves his mouth as he glances up as me, shaking his phone. 

"Speak of the devil" He mutters, answering the call and pressing his phone to his ear. Most of the people I was seeing before Keaton all left the room to make or take a phone call, something I realised was a trait of a cheater. But not my Keaton. 

"Hey Mum" He says as I turn around and look to the food he's been cooking on the stove. I pick up the wooden spoon about to turn the food over when Keaton slides up behind me, snatching it out of my hand. I turn and frown up at him, only earning a smile in response. Bending down he wraps an arm around my waist, tugging me into his chest as he listens to his Mum on the other end of the line. 

"What the hell, Mum? That's a rip off. Why didn't you call me?" He frowns. The kitchen is silent as he listens to his Mum, his eyes focused on my hands as I spread them across his chest. He squeezes my side in return. 

"I would've talked you through it. If that bloodsucker comes back around the house again, you call me, okay?" I smile up at the protective mummy's boy, loving the slight authority dripping from his tone. Keaton's Mum says something that has his eyes snapping to mine. I raise my eyebrows in question but he just continues to stare. 

"Tonight? That's not a lot of time to prepare-" He drifts off, humming and nodding to whatever is being said on the other end of the line. 

"Alright then. Love you. Bye" He hangs up, groaning loudly the second he puts his phone on the kitchen bench, his face falling into the crook of my neck as he holds me in a tight hug against him. 

"My parents want us to go out to dinner with them tonight" My stomach drops, my smile falling as my heart races a thousand miles an hour. I block up against Keaton. 

"Us?" Keaton pulls back, cupping my face as he runs his thumbs over my cheekbones. 

"I kind of blurted that I was seeing someone last time we spoke. They're pretty eager to meet you" Keaton replies, his cheeks flushing a light pink that makes my smile return. He's talked about me to his parents?

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