Chapter Eleven

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"Good thing you work with him then. That'll give you all the time in the world" One annoying comment made by one condescending man and here I was sitting, waiting for my date to arrive in one of the nicer restaurants in the city. 

Keaton may not be the one jumping and squealing about this but at least my best friend Amelia will. After all, it's not like this is my first date with this man. Ian Paget, the guy she works with that I went on a date with a little bit ago apparently asked her to connect the two of us again. Amelia asked me during a moment of weakness and I agreed and now I'm shitting brick, cursing sensitive Ffion for accepting this mans offer. 

There wasn't anything I'd rather do less. 

My eyes were trained on the doors in hopes of him not coming but when he eventually sauntered through those double doors like an overly confident arrogant prick I plastered a smile on my face, internally punching myself everywhere. That cocky smirk he greeted me with and the sloppy kiss on the cheek too close to my mouth made me hate the almost platinum blonde even more. 

He wasn't an exception to my dark haired men type. 

"I was scared you weren't going to show up" Ian chuckled grabbing my hand and squeezing it before gesturing for me to sit down. I subtly tried pulling my hand away, giving up when he tightened his grip. I've met this guy once and he's already trying to hold hands on the second date. Get me the fuck out of here. 

"Says the one who came late" I replied, faking amusement as I picked up my glass of red wine, taking a rather large sip. Ian frowned, using his other hand to reach across the table and take the wine glass from my hand. I sucked in a sharp breath watching him carefully as he shook his head. My hand balled into a fist under the table. 

"You really shouldn't drink red wine, it causes major bloating. Water is good" My blood boiled. Get me a knife. Get me a fucking knife so I can gut this motherfucker. 

"And you should wear hats less. It only worsens your receding-" The waitress cut my mumbling off as she stepped up to the table, a clip board and pen on her as she smiled down at us. I smiled back, hoping she could read the 'save me' on my face. 

"Hi, are you ready to order?" The young blonde asks, glancing between both Ian and me. I open my mouth to speak only for Ian to hold his hand up, shutting me up. 

"I'll get the charcoal burger with the chips and salad-" I open my mouth to add my order when Ian stops me again. 

"And the beautiful lady will get the seasoned chicken breast with a side of salad" I stare at him blankly, too shocked to even react. Even the waitress raises her eyebrows, glancing at me, but I don't look away from Ian. 

"We'll get a jug of water with that too" The waitress glances at me once more before nodding and stalking off toward the kitchen. 

"Thank god I'm mute cause ordering for myself would've been real awkward" I state sarcastically, hoping for some reaction out of Ian. Instead all I get it a smile. We sit there in silence for who knows how long, Ian rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand, and me biting back a scream of disgust aimed at the thing in front of me. I started pulling my hand away from Ian's and scooting my chair back only for him to frown. 

I roll my eyes at the pout on his face, my gaze immediately freezing on a familiar pair of eyes watching me from a table across the restaurant. My face drops even more, my heart sinking to the ground as I flush with embarrassment, looking away. 

Keaton fuckin Adler, as I live and breathe. The one person I was avoiding and there he sits across the room with a beautiful woman, staring at me and my date. Glancing back I watch his eyes narrow slightly, eyebrows raising at me in question as if to say 'this guy? this is the guys you've been having sex with in your dreams?' 

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