Chapter Fifteen

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When Keaton opened his office door, the old woman stepping out he seemed to pay more attention to her then he usually does every other Wednesday afternoon. For the first time with this woman he touched her, not avoiding it like he usually does.

He actually held her hand, and it was clear it meant something to her. She blinked away tears as she smiled up at Keaton, squeezing his hand before pulling away, leaving him with a small wave. Usually he instantly looks away towards me, but this afternoon his eyes lingered worriedly over the woman. He watched her with a squint as she slowly walked towards the exit.

Even when she'd walked out, the door closing behind her he stared. His jaw twitched as he lightly shook his head, walking out into the main area and towards the receptionist whose name I learnt was Lara. Keaton glanced my way, noticing me sitting waiting and held a finger up, that telling me I'd have to wait a little longer.

"Can you call an ambulance and send them to Mrs Lambert's house?" Keaton asked trying to be quiet as he leant on the bench, Lara looking at him, concern dripping from her eyes as she glanced at the door the older woman just left through.

"Is she alright?" Lara asked. Keaton sighed, glancing back around, his eyes locking with mine. They lingered when he'd realised I'd heard him before he looked away. He leant in closer to Lara, whispering quiet enough for me to not hear this time. Lara nodded at Keaton.

He pushed him self away from the bench, looking back my way and nodding to his door, telling me to follow him. I stood up, making my way across the room to his office.

"Miss Brisden" He acknowledged me with a blank face and a nod. I stopped to look up at him.

"Doctor Adler" I mumbled, stepping past him and inside his office, listening to him close and lock the door after himself. I sat in my usual seat, eyes still on Keaton's chair waiting for him to come and sit in it.

He sat with a sigh, lightly throwing his patient diary beside him.

"How are you?" He asked, finally looking at me, his forearms resting on his knees. I shrugged.

"Fine" I replied, not really knowing what else to say. If Keaton wanted me to talk about a certain thing he'd have to be the one to bring it up, otherwise I'll stay quiet. Sitting across from him was bad enough, talking about myself without boundaries was a no go.

"Just fine?" He asked, squinting at me in doubt. I shrugged again, Keaton sighing at my answer.

"Closing up isn't a good thing, and I understand why you are with me but what happened between us was over just as fast as it started. I don't want you to hold onto it" I frowned, a grin taking over my face as I chuckled. This man thinks I'm moping over him?

"I'm not. I've let it go" I stated through a laugh and a face that told him to get over himself. Keaton continued to stare, his face cold and emotionless.

"It doesn't seem you have."

"You wanted to be my shrink, not a friend. This is how I act around my shrinks" I explained, watching Keaton's shoulders sag as he let out an inaudible sigh, his eyes falling tired.

"I got a call from Katherine" Keaton started, my shoulders instantly tensing as I clenched my jaw, knowing exactly what he was going to say next.

"Apparently there was an incident between you and another staff member?" Keaton questioned, wanting to hear and know my truth.

"There was."

"And because of that Katherine seems to be doubting the both of us. She doubts you're making progress and she doubts I'm helping bring out the quote on quote 'light in you'. She wants a progress report" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

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