Chapter Twelve

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The silence was nerving to say the least. Keaton's left hand sat on the gear stick, his other hand tightening and untightening around the steering wheel every couple seconds. When it did happen and I'd look at his face, his jaw would be sharp as a knife, eyebrows set down and hard as he let himself roam around his thoughts unhinged.

Something was getting to him, causing his anger to almost boil over. He hadn't muttered a word to me since he opened his passenger door for me and for some reason apart of me just knew I was at the centre of his anger.

"You know you really shouldn't walk around alone at night. You don't know how many sickos are roaming the streets waiting for the perfect opportunity to get their hands on something that's not theirs" Keaton finally spoke up, grumbling monotonal. He didn't like the look of what my future could've been if he didn't offer me a ride home and I'd walked alone.

"I can defend myself-"

"You think you can defend yourself. Truth be told Ffion, if a group of guys come up to you, you're not beating them, they've got you and they didn't even have to break a sweat doing so" Keaton's chest heaved up and down. I frowned.

"I'm a lot more capable then you give me credit for."

"I'm sure you are, but until I see that with my own eyes I disagree" Keaton grunted, glancing at me before returning his gaze back to the road.

"You want me to show you how I'd act in the situation you're suggesting?" I asked, watching Keaton's jaw twitch.

"No, thank you. I never want a visual" Keaton mumbled, the both of us falling into silence again. This time my heart was racing, unlike before. Every confrontation between me and Keaton and my heart beats a hundred miles an hour and threatens to tear its way from my chest.

"We argue a lot" I stated softly, feeling Keaton glance at me from the corner of my eye. His gaze lingered before turning back to the road.

"It's because I care. Too much probably."

"You say that like it's a bad thing" I shrugged, hoping he couldn't see my heart on my sleeve.

Keaton looked back over at me, my cheeks tinting under his gaze. "With you it is."

Eventually Keaton pulled his car over, parking it outside my apartment building. I unbuckled myself when Keaton did the same, silently getting out and shutting the door behind himself. I frowned, opening my door just as Keaton got around my side, pushing it open the rest of the way and holding it for me.

"You don't have to-"

"I'll walk you up" Keaton muttered, shutting the door, his hand meeting my back before he slid it down a little lower, lightly pushing me forward, his hand staying against my lower back. I noticed him looking right and left, making sure no one out of place was lurking on the street. Keaton covered my body from behind with his, my back flush against his chest as I tapped in the pin, the door to the apartment complex unlocking. The whole entire way up to my apartment he stayed close, continuing to check the halls.

"You know you live on a dodgy street" Keaton stated when we stopped in front of my apartment door. I snorted, taking my purse and phone from Keaton's awaiting hand, his eyes still trained down the hall, watching another person unlocking their door with unsure eyes. I poked him, his gaze immediately falling to mine, our faces so close I could just smell the hint of mint on his breath. I took my apartment key from my purse unlocking the door.

"Have you run background checks on the people in the building?" I laughed out loud, walking into my apartment, Keaton following and locking the door behind himself.

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