Chapter Twenty One

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Waking up like this is a first. Waking up to a shower of affection is what's new. Soft lips gently trace my jaw, hot minty breath fanning over my face and in the sensitive nooks of my neck send a tsunami of goose bumps over every inch of my body. I hum when lips finally touch the corner of my mouth, sinking into the comfort of my mattress as the bed dips on either side of my head. 

He's over me. I can feel his presence and burning gaze as I keep my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep to relish in the moment. 

His head falls into the crook of my neck and two seconds later I'm biting my tongue, holding back a moan as his teeth graze my neck, nipping at my skin. 

"I know you're awake" His early morning rasp rumbles right into my ear and I instinctively lean into his touch, wanting to feel him everywhere. I continue to pretend to be asleep despite the fact the way my body reacts to him goes against it. To play the part even more I fake a soft snore, one that makes Keaton's chest jolt against mine as he laughs into my neck. 

"Most people snore when they're asleep, but it seems you are special" Keaton teased, his lips brushing against my ear as a wandering hand finds its way under my breasts, cupping my ribs. I've come to notice since last night that cupping my ribs is something Keaton seems to like doing, as if feeling my bones through my skin makes him feel closer to me somehow. 

"If you're only now realising I'm special I think it'd be in your best interest to leave" I finally speak, Keaton pulling away from my neck to face me, his face adorned with a perfectly handsome lazy smile meant for me and only me. 

"What do you know? She is awake" Keaton jokes, removing his hand from my ribs to push my hair behind my ears before returning back to my body. 

"And in desperate need of the bathroom" I add, trying to roll out from under Keaton. He lifts his arm when he sees me trying to scoot over, allowing me room to move and get out of bed. I quickly walk to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and doing my  business before walking back out to find Keaton back under the covers of my bed. 

I can't fight the smile that spreads across my face as I walk over to the man whose body dangles off my bed. There was no doubt in my mind his mattress back at home had been personally made to accommodate to his freakishly titan like height. I stop beside where he's laying, about to poke him. 

"Keat-" I yelp as strong arms grab me, practically tackling me back onto the bed before the doona cover is thrown over my head. Keaton is quick to flip over on top of me, the both of us completely submerged in darkness as his mouth comes crashing down on mine. I try to contain my fit of giggles all the while kissing Keaton back. 

How I felt when kissing Keaton with indescribable, but if I had to put words to actually, indescribable felt right. 

Keaton was indescribable. 

"What time is it?" I ask between kisses, the air around us becoming hot as we lay trapped within the covers. 

"Don't know" Keaton gives me a short answer before sliding his tongue last my lips and into my mouth. 

"Don't you have work today?" I question, Keaton humming as his lips moved from my mouth to my jaw and neck. I let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes as Keaton sucked on the most sensitive part on my neck, undoubtedly leaving a hickey. 

"Well, what time?" I pushed, moaning when Keaton sucked harder.

"If I didn't know any better, it almost sounds like you're trying to get rid of me" He mumbled against my ear before kissing his way back up my jaw. I bit back a smirk as I rolled my hips, Keaton hissing at the contact against his crotch. 

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