Chapter Twenty Six

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So perfect. She is so fucking perfect, inside and out. I want to reach out for her and never let go, afraid the second she leaves my arms she'll disappear. Sometimes I wonder how I've lived my life up until a couple months ago without her. The person I want to spend every second of every day holding, kissing and loving only appeared in my life 2 months ago and it's already the best 2 months of my life. 

Ffion goes to walk past me but I sit forward, grab her waist and tug her down onto my lap, a tiny yelp leaving her mouth as she falls down on me, the noise immediately silenced by my lips. Ffion laughs into my mouth, circling her arms around my neck and tugging me closer, our lips moulded together perfectly. 

"You know, my brothers wedding is in three weeks" Ffion pulls back, holding my face between her hands as she plants soft kisses all over my face. I slouch back into the couch, tugging her on top of me as she continues peppering me with kisses. 

"Talking about your brother is a major turn off, sweetheart" I sigh, rubbing my hands up and down the small of Ffion's back. She hums against my neck, a content grunt leaving my mouth as goose bumps litter my skin. 

"I was just gonna ask you to be my date, but never-" Flipping us over I press Ffion's back into the couch, devouring her mouth with mine as my hands trail her body. Her legs wrap around my hips, luscious, thick thighs pressed against my sides as she matches my rhythm. 

"It's about god damn time. I thought you'd never ask" I joke, Ffion laughing against my mouth. She takes a hold of my face, pressing a couple small kisses to my mouth before pushing my face back slightly, not wanting me to get off of her, but because she simply wanted to look up at me. 

My heart hammers against my rib cage as I stare down into a dark, dangerous storm. Who knew somebodies eyes could show so much emotion but none at the exact same time. They held a million secrets and I wanted to know each and every one of them. 

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" My lips curl up at the corners as I rest a knee on the couch between Ffion's parted legs, holding myself up so to not crush her. 

"Yeah?" I ask, my eyes dropping to Ffion's bottom lip as she pulls it between her teeth and bites down on it. It was one thing to be called handsome, but beautiful? And by Ffion? I felt like I'd won the first place prize. I lean down, lightly biting Ffion's bottom lip. God, I've wanted to do that for so long. 

"I think you are the most beautiful woman to ever exist. Not just in our time, but generations before us and after us. You outshine everyone" Ffion's cheeks burn at my compliment and I can't help but dip down and press a kiss to each rosy cheek. 

"Yeah?" She whispers, unsure. 

"Yeah" I whisper back, dropping my face down to Ffion's chest and pressing my ear up to listen to the beat of her heart. Her hands slide into my hair and much to my embarrassment I fall asleep relatively quickly. 

When I eventually wake back up, the apartment is pretty much pitch black except for a dim salt lamp creating a warm glow in the lounge. I groan, pushing myself up and off of a sleeping Ffion. I stand up, rubbing my eyes before leaning back down, sliding my arms under Ffion's legs and behind her back, pulling her up and into my chest as I carry her to her bedroom. 

I pull the doona back, lightly putting her down before climbing in next to her and throwing the blanket over the both of us. Ffion hums in her sleep as I wrap my arms around her waist and tug her into my chest. 

"Mmm I love your-" Ffion mumbles, curling up in the warmth of my body, losing her thought as she drifts in and out of consciousness. I hug her tightly, pressing my face into her hair, wishing we could stay right where we were for the rest of our lives. Call me selfish but I wanted Ffion all to myself, all day, every day, for the rest of my life. 

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