Chapter Fourteen

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Never have I ever had such a desperate urge to absolutely pound someone's skull in, smiling as I watch such agony consume this person until they die an unpeaceful death. Doctor Keaton Adler, you are sitting all high and mighty at the top of my murder list. 

Keaton sits beside me, thigh pressed against mine as he listens to my brother talk all kinds of nonsense. It's so obvious he's faking interest in my brother and what he has to say, his mind solely focused on me as every time I move my leg away he spreads his further. 

He's so proud of himself. Proud for bringing himself into my life when all I wanted was to banish him from it. I thought me calling in sick was hint enough that after our mistake of a kiss I needed out. I'd avoid him for a while before finding a new therapist. Keaton had other plans which was rich for the guy that broke apart the kiss, the pure shock on his face telling me all I needed to know. The kiss was stupid and inappropriate. It was most certainly a mistake. 

Why the fuck did he come to my apartment in the first place? To call me immature for not getting over it and going to my session pretending nothing ever happened. Unfortunately I'm not a robot and I can't just simply pretend because it'd be better for the both of us. 

"So how did you two meet?" Mason's question brought me back from my trance. Keaton glanced down at me, all air catching in my throat making me unable to speak as I stared right back at Keaton. 

"My niece" Keaton lied through his teeth, his eyes boring into mine. 

He finally looked away and back to Mason, allowing me to breathe again. "She goes to the school Ffion aids at." He made a point to say aid and not teach, something I've corrected him on more than once. 

"Oh, right. How long have you been seeing each other?"

"A few months now. 4?" Keaton lied again, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded, giving Keaton one of my famous fake smiles. Mason slowly nodded, an emotion I didn't understand passing by his face. Keaton's smile faltered slightly, apparently having understood the emotion Mason was letting off. Keaton stared at my brother intensely. 

"Ffion told me you were engaged" Mason's eyes shifted to me holding eye contact for a couple beats longer than normal before clearing his throat and smiling at Keaton. 

"Yeah. Isabelle. We're getting married in a couple months."

"You must be excited" Keaton offered a small smile but his eyes told me he was doing nothing but interrogating him. Under the table I nudged his leg with mine before pinching the skin on his thigh. He frowned down at me as I shook my head no liking his hostile behaviour towards my brother. 

"It's a bit nerving actually. It hasn't really hit me yet if I'm being honest" Mason laughed awkwardly. Keaton shrugged. 

"As long as you love her, right?" Keaton asked, my eyebrows slightly dropping as Mason glanced my way before back to Keaton, offering him a smile as he nodded his head. 

"Of course"

The rest of the dinner went by way too fucking slow. I talked here and there but was still too shocked and genuinely pissed that Keaton was here and faking being my boyfriend to my fucking brother. The whole night consisted of Mason talking and Keaton adding his little secretive dig here and there without my brother noticing, up until we got to my apartment. 

"Are you sure you don't want to stay the night? I've got a spare" I suggested, Mason smiling as he shook his head, leaning down to kiss my cheek. 

"Nah, don't worry about me. I booked a motel close to the airport" I raised my eyebrows in suspicion as Mason backed towards the door. 

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