First Date Part 2

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•••Laney's P.O.V.•••

Is this really happening? Am I dreaming? If I am, I don't ever want to wake up. I dont even know how today can get any better. Corey and I held hands as we made our way to Tony's ice cream truck. There was a special going on today. Half off each scoop just because Tony was in a good mood. Corey's eyes lit up like stars when he saw that special; it was adorable!

Corey seemed really excited to about the special, and I didn't know what I wanted yet, so he ordered fist. It would only be $2 for four scoops and an extra 25 cents on top of that for the cone, so he ordered a double scoop of chocolate topped with a double scoop of banana in a cone. After he ordered, I had finally decided what I wanted. I decided to get chocolate for the bottom and top scoops, and for the two scoops in between, I ordered strawberry vanilla swirl. Tony started doing the calculations for our order after Corey told him they're both together.

"Okay, so four scoops with the special is 2$, eight scoops all together would be $4. On two cones adds 50 cents, so your total is $4.50," Tony explained. Corey opened his wallet and handed him one of the $10s he had. "Here you go," Corey smiled as he handed him the money. "Thank you," said Tony, "Here's your change. Come again sometime!" Tony smiled as he handed Corey $5.50 back. We decided to go on a little walk together with our ice cream in one hand, and our other hands were joined together as we walked down the sidewalk.

As we were walking and eating our ice cream, we talked about what and how we would play at orientation. "You know, the lyrics I wrote might be good for a prom song or something, but I feel like we need something a little different for orientation," Corey stated. "I agree that the lyrics you wrote would be good for a prom song, but what are you thinking for orientation?" I asked him. "Well, Lanes, I'm glad you asked. I'm thinking about writing something to get everyone pumped for high school. Normally, I don't like school, but I'm kind of excited. I'm already thinking about some lyrics for this project!" Corey explained. "That's great, Core. If you need any help, just let me know," I offered. "Thanks, Lanes," he smiled with a light blush on his cheeks. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up a little bit too.

As we kept walking, we finally finished our ice cream. I'm not usually too messy, but Corey teased me about having ice cream on my face, "Lanes, you know that chocolatey goodness is supposed to go in your mouth, right? Not around it?" I looked down and puckered my lips out to see if I could find anything, but I couldn't. I looked at Corey confusedly, "Um, yeah? Why?" "Oh it's just, you have a little something right there," he poked the corner of my mouth. I went to wipe it off, but he grabbed my hand before it reached my face. "It's okay," Corey said with a smug look on his face,"I'll get it."

Before I could say anything, Corey's lips were pressed against mine, they were so warm and soft like marshmallows. I didn't want him to pull away, so I just wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. I couldn't believe this was really happening. After I pulled him closer, he wrapped his arm around me and used his other hand to move my hair behind my ear. After a few more seconds, he pulled away.

I looked at him with a shocked expression while he gently smiled at me. "Come on, Lanes, let's go back to the garage," he said in a calming voice. "Sounds like a good idea to me," I agreed seeming a bit flustered. I didn't exactly know how to word my response so it came out a bit awkward. "Oh, and by he way," Corey turned around to look at me before finishing what he was saying, "there was no ice cream on your face. I just wanted to kiss you and make it a surprise." I blushed the brightest pink I blushed in my entire life. I felt the heat of the blush throughout my whole body. I felt like my heart grew wings just to flutter. Everything about today was perfect. I couldn't have been happier. About time I get to call him mine.

A/N: Yes, after years upon years it is back, qnd I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting. There will be more to come in the future! I just got my account back, and we are on a roll now. Thank you for reading. I love you guys!!! <3<3<3

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