First Date Part 1

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Corey's P.O.V.

     "Count us in, Kon!" I commanded. Kon started to count us in "1,2,3,4!" We played the new song I had just written lyrics for, and I've got to say, it was actually pretty awesome! Not only that, but I also managed to confess my feelings to the most beautiful rockstar I know. Today is going pretty awesome so far! We finished practicing the song, and I heard Kin's voice coming from the direction his keyboard is in.

     "I hate to cut the visit short, Corey," I heard Kin say as I looked at him to see he had his phone out. He continued to finish his sentence, "but I signed up to participate in this activity today that has to do with inventing awesome creations! I'm taking Kon too because he's my test subject." I didn't say anything about Kin using Kon for a test subject because it wasn't anything out of the ordinary and I knew Kon would be okay. "Okay," I said to Kin as he made his way to the grojdoor, "good luck, man!" "Thanks, dude!" Kin yelled back at me. After Kin and Kon left, Laney was still playing some stuff on her bass. She was sitting on the couch instead of standing on stage this time, so I went and sat down beside her. She stopped playing and I wrapped one arm around her.

     "So Lanes," I began, "since Kin and Kon had to leave and we've already finished practice, would you want to head out for ice cream and maybe go to the park?" Laney looked at me with a light pink color in her cheeks. "Sure, Core!" She answered with the prettiest smile I had ever seen. I'm so happy she said yes too! Today really is an awesome day!

     Lanes and I got up off of the couch and headed toward the grojdoor. Once we were there, I opened it and gestured toward the sidewalk, "ladies first." Laney held her hands to her chest as she looked at me and replied, "Aww, thanks!" She had that sparkle in her eye that she gets when I compliment her or touch her shoulder. I can't believe I didn't notice she liked me before. I really am oblivious, haha.

     As we were walking down the sidewalk, we saw Ice Cream Tony setting up his truck not too far from us. Laney looked at me and asked, "Hey, Core, can we get ice cream?!" She sounded so excited. I pulled my wallet out of my pocket to see how much I had. I had two $10s and a $20. I looked at Laney and nodded. She then pulled me in a really tight hug that I wasn't expecting. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I saw that Laney's were a light pink. About time I get to call her mine.

Grojband Goes to High School (Corey X Laney)Where stories live. Discover now