Corey's Dream Part 2 Bonus: Trina's Moving

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     Quick A/N: The art for this Chapter is mine.    

Story time transition

  ···Corey's P.O.V.···

     About thirty feet away from me stood a teenage boy who looked just like me. At that moment, I realized why his voice sounded so familiar. He looked at me and placed a grin on his face. "Hello, friend," he said. He asked, "Have you seen my Lanes?" The tone in his voice would have killed me if it was a weapon. "She's not your Lanes, not after how you treated her just now," I said with a harsh tone in my voice. "Why are you so picky about your berries anyway?" I confusedly asked.

     "Well, you see," he started, "my great grandmother always made the best blueberry jam until she passed away. I haven't eaten any other kind of berry ever since." I tilted my head and said, "I can understand that, but..." I changed my expression into pure anger looking straight at him, "that's no excuse to take it out on Laney." He gave me an angry look and gritted his teeth, "You don't tell me how to treat my Lanes!" "She's not yours!" I yelled back.

     He stopped paying attention to me, and yelled, "Laney, when I find you, I'm going to-" "You're not going to do anything!" I yelled cutting him off. "Why you little..." he started to say, but he stopped before he began sprinting toward me. Before he could get to me, an apple fell from a tree onto my head. It was pitch black, then I opened my eyes again.

K.O. Apple transiton

     I woke up in my room with my guitar posters hanging on my royal blue walls. "Thank goodness it was just a dream," I thought to myself aloud. I looked on my nightstand beside my bed, and saw that I had drawn something in my sleep. It was a heart that I had colored with the colors of Laney's clothes inside of a star that I colored with the colors of my clothes (the art you see above). I wondered if Laney would like it. I decided to inspect my night stand to discover the mess I had made.

     There were markers all over my nightstand and on the floor. I picked them up and put them into my blue pencil box that Laney gave me for my birthday the week before. I felt my cheeks heat up as I thought about her when I closed it. Sometimes, it seemed like she knew me more than I knew myself, which was absolutely incredible. I found another reason to love her every single day. I snapped out of my thoughts and put the pencil box back down on my nightstand. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast but stopped when I overheard a conversation between Trina and our parents.

     "Trina," I heard our mom's voice, "your father and I have decided to let you move to a town of your choice." Trina squealed and started jumping up and down while clapping. I haven't seen her so excited in years! "I choose to move to Newsprings! Hunky Nick Mallory is moving there!" she exclaimed. I was honestly happy for Trina. She really hasn't been this happy in forever. Getting lyrics from her was impossible now because she was moving, but that wasn't a problem. I found myself coming up with some wicked lyrics that morning! I just had to tell the gang. I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth. The band showed up two hours later.

The band is here transition
···No one's P.O.V.···

     Corey opened the garage door knowing his friends were coming inside. Kin, Kon, and Laney all came inside after he opened the door. "You guys are going to want to sit down for this," Corey said with a big smile plastered across his face. Kin sat on the couch, Laney sat on the stage, and Kon sat on the floor. "So what's the news?" Laney asked with an impatient and excited tone. Corey poked his head around every corner to make sure nobody was around to hear him. Luckily, his parents went to work, and Trina went to Mina's. He finally came back to the garage to tell them the big news.

     "Trina's moving!" Corey excitedly exclaimed. "That's awesome, Core," Laney started, "but how are we going to get lyrics?" "We don't need Trina to get lyrics anymore, Lanes!" Corey exclaimed while wrapping an arm around Laney's shoulder, "I can write them on my own now!" Laney looked at Corey with excitement in her eyes, "That's awesome! Do you have anything yet?" Corey nodded, "I just haven't written them down." "It would probably be a good idea to," Laney remarked. Corey grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper and started writing.

Yep. Another cliffhanger. Sorry guys. Just know that I love you all!!!


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