A Little Nap

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•••Corey's P.O.V.•••

     As Laney and I headed into the garage, she still seemed a bit shocked about the little 'prank' I played on her. She seemed flustered in the best way possible, but I didn't won't her to feel awkward. "Sorry, Lanes, I'll let you know the next time I decide to kiss you," I apologized. "No, Core, it's okay. I just wasn't really expecting it was all. I mean I know we kinda kissed before, but this is different in a way," Laney explained. I could see where she was coming from. It was different than the time before. Neither of us were expecting it. It kind of just... happened. "I just don't want you to feel awkward about it," I tell her with a gentle smile.. "It's fine, Core," she responded with a giggle, "that's not what I've been thinking about anyway." "Then what have you been thinking about?" I curiously asked with an eyebrow raised.

     "Well," she started, "you said you got your inspiration because of a dream you had about me, right?" I sat her down on the couch and sat next to her wondering why she was bringing that up. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Laney asked, seeming genuinely curious. I looked at her shocked for a moment before looking at the floor with a frown. "I can tell you," I said, "but it wasn't a pretty dream... there was someone who looked  and sounded just like me, and you were with him. He treated you so horribly... I hid you from him. I was so grateful hot it was all a dream when I woke up..." Tears started to form down my face. Laney turned me toward her and pulled me in a really tight hug. "It's okay, Core, it was just a dream, it wasn't real," she reassured me.

     I looked up from the ground and smiled at her returning the tight hug. "Just know that I would never ever let anyone hurt you like that," I said to her with a serious expression as my hug around her got tighter. As I hugged her, she nuzzle up to my chest and smiled, almost as if she already felt protected. I kissed her head and rubbed my fingers through her hair. Before I knew she was asleep, and soon after, so was I.

Sleepy time transition
•••Laney's P.O.V.•••

     I woke up... wait, I woke up? I checked my surroundings to see where I was, I was in Corey's garage, snuggled up next to him on his couch. We must have fallen asleep. I went to the kitchen to grab something to drink only to find a few soda bottles and filtered water in the fridge. I grabbed a soda bottle and went back to the garage. I didn't want to wake Corey up, so I just pulled out my phone and drank the soda until he eventually did. He woke up about thirty minutes later.

     "Laney?!, Laney, where are you? Did something happen?" Corey panicked when he woke up. I rushed over to him to let him know everything's okay. "Hey, I'm right here. I'm fine. I just woke up before you, and I didn't want to wake you up. You were sleeping so peacefully," I explained. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness. If something actually happened to you, I would've lost it until I knew you were safe." I smiled and hugged him knowing he cares about my safety. "Well, the twins are probably going to be back any minute now. Do you wanna cancel practice for the rest of the day and just have some time to hand out?" Corey asked. "Yeah, that sounds nice," I replied. "We could watch a movie," Corey suggested, "what's your favorite genre?" "You know, I'm kind of feeling horror tonight," I responded. Corey's eyes lit up with excitement, "Yeah, horror sound wicked! I'll grab some snacks, then we can get set up!" I was almost as excited about the movie as Corey was. He seemed a tad bit more excited, but I was still pretty excited too.

    Almost the entire day, felt like a date, not that I'm complaining. It's nice to be getting some alone time with Corey. I can't believe we actually ended up together after everything that's happened between us. It was amazing. I wonder who would be the first to say those three special words...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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