Walking Home

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A/N: The art for this Chapter is mine.

Story time transition

     Kin and Kon started walking to their house talking about what they might do in their high school years. "I wonder what high school's going to be like," Kon said excitedly. "Me too!" Kin exclaimed, "There's one thing I do know about high school though." Kon asked him, "What would that be?" "Drama" Kin answered, "and lots of it. We must be careful!" "Right," Kon replied with a determimed expression. "Oh, hey, look! Our house! We're here!" Kon exclaimed while pointing at the house the two brothers lived in. "I'm starving. I wonder what's for dinner!" Kon said while looking a bit hungry. His stomach growled and he ran inside. "Hey, wait for me!" Kin yelled as he ran after his twin inside their home.

···Meanwhile with Corey and Laney···

     "So, Core..." Laney started, "What do you think you might do this year?" "Rock the school until we become huge," Corey answered. "Okay, but how are we going to do that without lyrics?" Laney asked irritated. "Chill, fella," Corey said, "we'll get lyrics, no problem!" A shocked expression came off of Laney's face after a sudden realization, "Oh crap. We're going to the same school as your sister? We're toast!"
"We're not toast, we're the best! Wherever Trina is, there are lyrics!"Corey exclaimed. "Oh yeah. Right," Laney said, "and here's my house." Corey didn't seem to hear her because he continued to walk forward. Laney tried to get Corey's attention,  "Um, Corey?" Corey turned around, "Yeah, Lanes?" "We're at my house," Laney pointed out. "Oh, right! Right," Corey said with a laugh, "Sorry, Laney. I can walk you to the door if you want." Laney thought it was kinda weird for Corey to offer such a thing, but she agreed anyway, "Okay, sure." Corey walked Laney to the door before saying goodbye, "I'll see you tomorrow, Lanes!"
"See you tomorrow, Core!" Laney replied.

                     ···Laney's P.O.V.···

I feel like it was a little weird Corey wanted to walk me to the door. He's too oblivious to even see that I'm a girl! While I'm thinking about what just happened, I can't help but to find myself drawing Corey and me together(the cover photo for this chapter). I honestly don't know what led him to walk me to the door, but I'm kind of glad he did. After all anytime with Corey is the best time spent!

                   ···Corey's P.O.V.···

     I don't think Laney knows that I know she's a girl. It's a little weird because we were best friends when I thought she was a guy, but then I find out she's a girl and start liking her. She kinda gave me a weird look when I asked if I could walk her to the door. I guess she really doesn't know that I know she's a girl. I was planning to tell her about it, about everything. I was going to tell her I knew her gender now and how I actually feel about her, but I just said 'bye' and left. I'm such an idiot! However, when the time comes, I think it will present itself, or at least, I hope it does.


Grojband Goes to High School (Corey X Laney)Where stories live. Discover now