School shopping

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Corey, Laney, Kin, and Kon were all school shopping. They were in the aisle with the folders, binders, and paper. Looking at her list, Laney asked confusedly, "Why do we need so many binders?" "It's high school, Lanes," Corey said. "We're going to have a couple of more classes than we did in middle school, especially since we're on block scheduling," Kin added. "Does that mean more homework?" Kon asked with a panicked tone.

"Calm down, fella. If we do have more homework, we'll have fun homework!" Corey exclaimed. "What makes you say that, Core?" Laney asked with her voice sounding sarcastic. "Think about it, Lanes. Instead of six classes, we have eight this year! Last year left us with one elective space. This year will leave us with three!" "Okay," Laney started, "but that still leaves five classes to give us homework in!" Laney aggravatedly exclaimed. "No," Corey stretched out the word 'no', "We have four classes to get boring homework from. No one gives out homework in gym." "He's right, yknow," Kin said, "Gym is a homework free subject." Laney sighed in irritation, "Let's just get what we need from this aisle and go."

Laney picked out a red binder, a green notebook, and a yellow folder. Corey picked a blue binder, an orange notebook, and black folder. Kin picked out a yellow binder, a purple notebook, and a white folder while Kon picked out a purple binder, a yellow notebook, and a green folder. They then made their way to the aisle with the writing utensils.

They each picked out a box of markers and a box of colored pencils. Laney picked out mechanical pencils for writing assignments and regular pencils because, though not a lot of people knew, she liked to draw. She made her way to the aisle where the sketchbooks were hoping no one would notice. After she left the aisle, Corey noticed she was misssing and went to look for her. He finally found her. He walked up to Laney and said "found you" while booping her nose to tease her.

"Corey!" Laney exclaimed with a surprised look on her face. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Looking for you," Corey said while, once again, booping Laney's nose. "How did you know I would be in the sketchbooks aisle?" Laney asked. "I didn't," said Corey, "I was just going down the aisles until I found you." Corey then realized what Laney had said, but he asked to make sure, "Wait. Did you say sketchbook aisle?" "Maybe" Laney stretched her answer. "Cool," Said Corey, "I didn't know you were into sketching." "Nobody does," Laney replied, "I try to keep it a secret because sketch books are kind of like diaries for me." There was a pause for a moment. Corey began to wonder what kind of stuff she drew, but he didn't bother to ask her. After all, she just said they were like diaries to her, and he didn't want to invade her privacy. Laney broke the silence and asked, "So, Core, do you like drawing?" "I doodle instruments and stars occasionally" Corey replied. "Maybe you should get this," Laney suggested as she pulled a small sketch pad off the shelf and handed it to Corey. "Thanks, Lanes," Corey replied as he gladly accepted Laney's suggestion. They left the aisle and ran into Kin and Kon who looked like they were just running.

"Dang," Corey said, "you all look like you could use a break." "We were running to find you," Kon explained. "Okay, but why the rush?" Laney asked. Kin explained, "We came to tell you that the store closes in five minutes." "Five minutes?" asked Laney and Corey with shocked expressions on their faces. "Yeah," Kon said. "We got to hurry!" Kin added. Corey quickly grabbed the writing utensils he needed. Kin and Kon already retrieved theirs while Corey went looking for Laney. After Corey left the aisle, they checked out and left the store.

"That was close," Kin said. "I know, right?" replied Kon. "Okay, time for the supplies check," Corey said. He then started reading the supplies list and checking it off.
Corey: "6 binders?"
Everyone: "Check!"
Corey: "7 folders!"
Everyone: "Check!"
Corey: "7 notebooks?"
Everyone: "Check!
Corey: " Okay.... Colored pencils, markers, and pencils"
Everyone: Check, check, and check.

"Okay. Looks like we've got everything," Corey happily stated. "Yep, looks so," Laney agreed. "We need a buddy system," Corey said, "Kin and Kon, you guys walk together because you live at the same place. I'll walk Laney home since we live near each other." Kin and Kon both said, "Okay. Makes sense." Laney was excited by the fact that she had a little bit of alone time with Corey but tried to hide it. Lucky for her, he was oblivious. Everyone started walking home.

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