The Group Chat

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···Corey's P.O.V.···

     I went into my house, still not able to get my mind off of Laney. I can't believe how stupid I was. Why would I think she's a guy? Is it because she sort of acts like one? I don't know, but thinking about it now, I feel so dumb. She's absolutely beautiful. I just wish I could tell her that. The thing is: I had the perfect chance to tell her, and I threw it away. Way to go, Corey Riffin. That's definitely going to get you somewhere. I finally decided to shoot her a text.

Texting time transition
···No one's P.O.V.···

Corey: Hey, Lanes. What's up?

Laney: Nothing much, how about you?

Corey: Eh, same.

Laney: Cool, so I have a question.

Corey: Yeah, What's up?

Laney: Why did you walk me to my door? 😅

Corey thought to himself, "What do I say to her. I can't just tell her the truth about that. I mean, I could, and I really want to, but what if she doesn't like me back?" He gasped in the sense that he had an idea,"I know what to say." He finally texted her back.

Corey: It was part of the buddy system.

Laney: To walk me to the door?

Corey: Yep.

Laney: Uh, okay. 😅

···Laney's P.OV.···

     I feel like Corey wasn't exactly telling me the truth, but I didn't want to nag on about it. Besides, if I did, he probably would offer not to do that anymore, and to be honest, even though from the street to my door is a short distance, it's nice to be walking with him.

Now back to texting

Corey: Hey, you wanna make a group chat with the others?

Laney: Sure, why not?

Corey Riffin made a group chat.

Corey Riffin added Laney Penn.

Corey Riffin made Laney Penn a mod.

Corey Riffin added Kon Kujira.

Laney Penn added Kin Kujira.

Corey: What's up, guys?

Kin: Kon and I were just talking about high school orientation.

Kon: Yeah, knowing where our classes are is important. I would hate to get lost.

Corey: Don't worry. We'll get to orientation, no sweat, and we'll be rocking while we're at it!

Laney: You're gonna book us a gig at orientation, aren't you?

Corey: that's a great idea, Lanes!

Laney: *facepalms*

Laney Penn set Corey Riffin's name to Mr. Oblivious.

Mr. Oblivious: Oblivious? Pfft. I'm not oblivious.

Laney: Suuuure you're not.

Mr. Oblivious: Okay, well...

Mr. Oblivious set Laney Penn's name to Absolutely Beautiful.

Absolutely Beautiful: Um, why that name?

Mr. Oblivious: because you are.

Absolutely Beautiful: Core, quit messing with me.

Kin: ahem

Kon: We're still here.

Mr. Oblivious: oh, uh, hi guys.

Kin: About time someone gave Corey that nickname.

Absolutely Beautiful: I know, right? It just makes too much sense.

Mr. Oblivious: I don't see how.

Mr. Oblivious set his own name to The Frontman.

The Frontman: Okay, NOW it makes sense.

Absolutely Beautiful: But it made perfect sense before!

Kin: Just let it be, Laney. It makes more sense to him now.

Absolutely Beautiful: You know, you're not wrong.

Kon: GUYS! When is orientation?

The Frontman: I haven't checked.

Absolutely Beautiful: We probably should do that then.

Searching the date up transition

Also a few minutes later

Kin: Guys, I found it! It's on August 8th! Today is July 22nd in case you didn't know.

The Frontman: Everyone write that down and put it somewhere you look often! Like your bathroom mirror or fridge.

Absolutely Beautiful: On it!

Kin: Yes, Sir!

Kon: Okay!

The Frontman: Hmmm... I have an idea for everyone's group chat nicknames.

Kin: Oh?

The Frontman set Kin Kujira's name to Piano Man.

The Frontman set Kon Kujira's name to The Percussion.

The Frontman set Absolutely Beautiful's name to Rockin Bassist.

Rockin Bassist: Nice.

The Frontman: Thanks. I'm glad you like it.

Piano Man: Heheh. Piano Man.

The Percussion: I think my name sounds cool!

The Frontman: Well, it's time to rest up guys. We've got such a day ahead of us tomorrow.

Rockin Bassist: Alright. Night, everyone.

Piano Man: Good night!

The Percussion: Sleep tight!

The Frontman: Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Rockin Bassist: And sweet dreams.

Everyone turned their phones off for the night.

Grojband Goes to High School (Corey X Laney)Where stories live. Discover now