Corey's Inspiration

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     Corey wrote down,
"There's only one thing that will give my world a light,
and without you I'm only full of fright.

This town lights up so much when you start to smile.
I don't want to go; I think I'll stay here for a while.

(Chorus) You are the star that can light up my heart.
Nothing could ever, ever tear us apart.

I hope I can be the one to light up your world.
You are what I'm living for.

Be my light,
and I'll love you for life.

(Verse 2) When I'm around you, I never feel down.
You're the one I always want to be around.

One of these days, when this is this is all gone,
I hope you'd still remember this song

     After Corey was finished writing the lyrics, Laney looked at him in complete shock. "Corey, how did you come up with this?" Laney asked. "Is it bad?..." Corey hesitantly questioned. "No," Laney said, " it's amazing!" She threw herself into hugging Corey while making that statement. Realizing what she'd done, she quickly pulled out of the hug and stood up straight with a red face, "hehe, sorry Core. Heh" "It's okay, Lanes, I like hugs," Corey replied as he he picked her up and gave her a big bear hug.

     Kin and Kon went in the kitchen to see if Corey and Laney would have a litttle bonding moment with each other in their absence. After they saw the hug, they headed back. Kin and Kon rushed into the Garage excitedly, "Did you get done with the lyrics?!" Laney chuckled at their excitement, and Corey picked up the paper to show them. "So where did you get the inspiration to write this lovely tune?" Kin asked suspiciously.

     Corey blushed a light pink, "Um, just a d-dream I had, that's all." Corey plastered a big smile across his face. "Is that so?" Kon asked. "Yup," Corey quickly replied, "a dream is all it took!" He still had the huge grin on his face.
Laney noticed that Corey seemed to be acting a bit off. Maybe because he's not going to be used to his sister not living with him, not that he hates her moving. Who wouldn't be happy? Laney decided to talk to him about it.

     "Hey, Core, Can I talk to you?" Laney asked. Corey responded, "Yeah sure, Lanes, what's up?" "Privately?" Laney glanced at Kin and Kon who then shrugged and walked off elsewhere.
"Are you okay, Core? You seem a bit off today," Laney said with a worried expression in her face. "I'm fine, Lanes," Corey said, "I just... have to tell you something, and I haven't been able to."
Laney looked up at Corey, "You know you can tell me anything. That's why we're friends." "Yeah, friends," Corey said with a sad tone in his voice. He then shook his head to snap out of it.
"Laney, I need to tell you this," he said like it was urgent. "What?" Laney asked.

     Corey grabbed Laney's hands and let them rest in his own as he started to talk, "Laney, I know you think I don't know you're a girl, but seeing the way you act, and I started to pay more attention to your features, it's so clear as day to see. I was an idiot for not noticing before, and I think I, um, l-like you. You're the real reason I wrote this song. I had a dream about you last night." Corey's face was a bright pink, "I wanted to tell you before, but I knew you'd never like me back because I'm such an idiot." A single tear started its way down his cheeck, and he looked away from Laney with their hands still not seperate. Laney moved one of her hands to Corey's face gently, "Corey, look at me, you have no idea how wrong you are. You're not an idiot, and I do like you." She dried the tears on his face. "Yo-you do?" Corey asked looking surprised.

     "Of course I do, but we should keep on the down-low right now. I don't want it to effect practice or performances," Laney explained. "It's okay, Lanes. I understand," Corey replied. Laney smiled gently, "Thanks, Core. Means a lot." "Anything for my absolutely beautiful rocking bassist," Corey smiled and winked at Laney. She giggled at the gesture. "We should get Kin and Kon now that I know you're okay," stated Laney. "Right," Corey said. They shared a hug before heading out.

     Corey went to find Kin and Kon, and found them soon enough. "You guys get everything sorted out?" asked Kin. "Is she mad?" Asked Kon. "Should we be worried?!" the both asked simultaneously in a panicked tone. "No. Everything's fine. She was worried about me. That's all," Corey replied, "we're all good. No need to worry." "That's a relief," Kin said. "Yeah, Laney's scary when she's mad, right, Corey?" Kon asked. "I certainly wouldn't want to anger her, haha" Corey replied.

     "Alright, guys, let's start practice. This tune isn't going to sound to awesome itself!" Corey exclaimed in excitement. He saw Laney pulling her bass strap over her shoulder, then she looked over at him. "Ready?" Laney asked. "More than ever." Corey said while winking at Laney. Laney blushed a light pink before turning back to her bass. "Count us in, Kon!" Corey commanded. Kon started, "1,2,3,4!"

A/N: Sorry for not updating especially after that cliffhanger. I'll try not to let it happen again. I love you guys!!!

Grojband Goes to High School (Corey X Laney)Where stories live. Discover now