Corey's Dream Part 1

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····Laney's P.O.V.···

     Everyone had already said good night, but I couldn't sleep. I hadn't turned my phone off yet. I was looking at Corey's profile thinking about him and admiring how funny, sweet, and absolutely adorable he is. I read through the messages in the group chat while thinking about the name that Corey gave me at first. 'Absolutely Beautiful'? He's got to be messing with me. I can't think of another reason he would give me that nickname. I decided to put my phone down. My mind drifted off to thinking about the drawing I had made of him and me together.

     While thinking about the drawing, I had trouble deciding if I should color it or not, but I honestly like how it looks the way it is. I've had a crush on Corey for the longest time, ever since we were little kids. Now we're going into high school, and he still hasn't noticed my feelings for him, much less return them. I look at the drawing of him and me that I had put up on my wall and eventually fell asleep.

Corey's house transition

···Corey's P.O.V.···

     I put my phone down after everyone said good night. I was really tired, but for some reason, I didn't want to go to sleep. I lay in my bed trying to stay awake while staring at the light blue ceiling and royal blue walls in my room for about five minutes, but it seemed like forever. I finally decided to pick my phone back up.

      I went to the group chat, but everyone's active status was off. Kin's and Kon's both said they were active seven minutes ago, but Laney's said she was active two minutes ago. What could she have been doing on her phone then? I decided not to think too much of it. Even though I tried to fight it, I eventually fell asleep.

Into Corey's Dream

     I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a forest. In the distance, I saw something, or rather, someone. They wore a cloak that seemed a little roughed up. They were crouched in a fetal position, hugging their knees like they were crying or scared or maybe even both. I walked up to them to ask what's wrong. Once I got close enough, they looked at me and ran away. I saw their face. They looked a lot like Laney. That was Laney.

     After realizing this, I ran after her hoping that I would catch up to her on time. I caught up to her, but she ran faster before I could say anything. Before I knew it, I lost track of where she went. I looked around to find her, but the forest was dark and empty. I walked until I saw a house. I saw Laney going inside. There was someone in the house. I snuck up behind a tree close to the house to get a better look. I couldn't believe what I saw.

     There was a guy in the house who looked about fourteen years old by height. Laney handed him what seemed to be a basket, but I couldn't tell what was in it. The teenage boy threw the basket across the room they were in. He yelled at Laney, "These aren't the berries I asked for! Do you not know how to pick berries or something? Do you want us to die out here?" His voice sounded so familiar. I snuck up to the window seal to get a better understanding of what was happening. Laney seemed so scared and upset.

     I managed to make out a mutter come from Laney, "I'm sorry, love. However, these berries are just as edible-" She was cut off by the guy's loud yelling, "I don't care how edible they are! I said to get blueberries, not blackberries! I don't even know why I let you stay here. You're completely useless!" While I heard the conversation, a bunch of thoughts ran through my mind. I started to ask myself out loud, "Love? Why did she call him tha-" I was cut off by Laney running out the door into the forest.

     I chased after her, and managed to catch up to her. "Laney, what's wrong?" I asked her with a concerned look on my face. "Why are you acting like you care?" she shot back, "you just called me useless not even two minutes ago!" "Useless? I wouldn't call you-" I started to say, but Laney cut me off, "then why did you?" I sat down beside her and told her in a calm voice, "I don't know who called you useless, but it wasn't me." Laney looked at me with an expression that was both angry and confused, "but you jus-" she was cut off by a yell in the forest, "Laney, where are you?" It sounded like the guy that was yelling at her before.

     I looked at Laney and asked, "Do you believe me now?" She nodded as tears started to form in her eyes, "What do we do? I don't want him to find me." She was panicing, but managed to keep her voice down to a whisper. "Come with me," I whispered to her as I grabbed her hand and started running through the forest with her beside me. "You know you can't stay away from me forever, Lanes. You'll miss me eventually!" the voice echoed into the forest. Laney started crying, "Like I would ever miss him." Her voice was harsh but so quiet. I helped her into a tree and jumped back down onto the  ground to meet whoever was looking for her. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me when I saw him.

Sorry about the cliffhanger, guys.


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