Part 26

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The next day @ 10 am

Jace wakes up from his sleep to see Alissa still sleeping. He gets up and goes into the bathroom and brushes his teeth and washes his face. He starts smelling the breakfast Gabby made and goes out and downstairs to the kitchen. He sees Gabby making bacon and sausage and a plate of pancakes on the island. He turns his head and sees Tim in the living room sitting on the couch watching Netflix.

Jace: Morning guys.

Tim: *turns head towards Jace* yooo bro whats up!

Gabby: Goodmorning Jace, Alissa up yet?

Jace: No she still sleep.

Gabby: Okay.

Gabby finishes making the last of the food and motions the boys to come on over and eat.

Gabby: I'll go wake Alissa, I want her to eat the food while its hot and ready.

Jace and Tim grab their plates and take a seat and starts eating.

Tim: So you trynna go to the Senior party?

Jace: The one the school is throwing?

Tim: Fuck no thats gonna be lame. Thompson from the football team is throwing one at his folks house.

Jace: Oh thats whats up, so you trynna go I take it?

Tim: Hell yea.

Jace: Okay, but one thing... if you plan on driving us.....please dont drink.

Tim: Man I learned my lesson bro ...we taking a uber.

Jace: Bruh...okay whatever. Yea Im down to go.

Tim: Bet, its tonight.

Jace: Tonight?! Bruh I dont even have a fit together.

Tim: Oh yea, its a pool party bro.

Jace: Hmm okay Im sure I can find my trunks somewhere.

Tim: Imma just throw on some bball shorts

Jace: What time does it start?

Tim: Starts at 8.

Jace: Okay cool when we leaving?

Tim: Ill call a uber at 8.

Jace: But the party is at..8

Tim: Im aware. Who the fuck shows up to a party on time bro?

Jace: You right.

They continue eating and Gabby comes back down with Alissa.

Alissa: Goodmorningggg boys.

The boys both say goodmorning at the same time.

Alissa: Jace, why didnt you wake me up?

Jace: I knew you were really tired from working all day yesterday I was letting you get all your sleep in.

Alissa: Awe okay I see.

Tim: So me and Jace are going to the Senior party tonight.

Gabby: Says who?

Tim: Us. We're going.

Alissa: Doesn't sound like your asking at all.

Jace: Why do we have to ask?

Alissa: You know why. Ask nicely.

Tim: *rolls his eyes* Can we go to the senior party at Thompson's house tonight?

Alissa: Gabby lets go into a room right quick and talk about it.

Gabby: Alright.

Tim: Wait before you go talk about it I just want you to know that I do not plan on driving and neither does Jace..we'll take a uber. So incase one of us drink neither of us will be behind a wheel.

Gabby: Hmmm

The girls look at each other then back at the boys then head into the room that was near the kitchen.

Gabby: I want then to enjoy their last few weeks being Seniors in highschool.

Alissa: I do too. I just dont want what happened at the last party they went to to happen again.

Gabby: He did say they wont be driving this time though.

Alissa: But an uber? We could just drop then off ourselves.

Gabby: I dont think they want us dropping them off.

Alissa: Its safe than them getting in a strangers car..

Gabby: Lets just let them take the uber and they can share their uber ride with us so we can locate them at all times until they arrive.

Alissa: We can do that?

Gabby: Yes or I also have Tim's location at all times in iMessage and on google maps.

Alissa: Oh yea I do have his location on iMessage. Okay okay they can do uber.

Gabby: Do we want them back by a certain time?

Alissa: Whats a reasonable time?

Gabby: When do you think this party will end?

Alissa: I say it wont end til around 2 in the morning maybe 1.

Gabby: Have them back by 12:30?

Alissa: Yea thats fine.

Gabby: Okay lets go let them know.

They walk back out and see the boys have both finished off their plates. Jace has pancake shoved in his mouth.

Alissa: You guys cna go tonight but you need to be back here by 12:30.

Tim: 12:30?? Why we might as well stay the whole time.

Gabby: What time does it end?

Tim: it literally ends at 1:30

Gabby and Alissa look at each other and make faces at each other only they could read and turn back to the boys.

Alissa: Fine you can stay the whole time. Just be safe and stay out of trouble and be aware of your surroundings.

Jace: Yes! We can do that no problem.

Tim: Thank youuu.

The girls grab their plates and sit down and eat their breakfast.

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