Chapter 5: Dealing with Trouble

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After cleaning up the classroom, Cyrene walked outside, sulking. She saw the nervous looking boy in Gryffindor from the Sorting near the entrance.

'You're Cyrene Lennox, right? he asked.

'...Yes. Who are you?'

'Ben Copper. I'm a first-year like you. I just wanted to say thank you for standing up to Merula Snyde.'

'Who told you I did that?' Cyrene never saw Ben in the Potions Classroom.

'I was watching from the end from the corridor.' he said. 'I've been following her so she can't sneak up on me, and if she sees me, I'll at least have a chance to run away.'

He gave an exasperated sigh before continuing. 'She tormented me the entire way here on the Hogwarts Express. She kept threatening me, and calling me a Mudblood.'

'I'm sorry, Ben. That's terrible.' said Cyrene. A Mudblood was a very rude thing to call a Muggle-born wizard.

'Merula is obsessed with being the best witch in our year, and she thinks she has to impose her will on us to prove it.' said Ben. 'I'm just glad someone was brave enough to stand up to her. I'm certainly not. It's a joke that I got put in Gryffindor.'

'Everyone is afraid of something, Ben.' said Cyrene.

'Unfortunately, I'm afraid of everything. I come from a Muggle family, so all of this is new and scary to me.' his expression relaxed as he said this.

'I know how you feel. I come from a wizard family, and this is hard for me too.' said Cyrene. 'I'll try to help you however I can, Ben.'

'Thanks, Cyrene. I'll see you around.'

Ben turned and walked up to the stone steps of the dungeon before Cyrene can answer him. She decided to go back to her dormitory and chat with Rowan, hoping the other Hufflepuffs wouldn't be too angry about the House Points she lost.

Cyrene walked into the common room and saw Rowan talking to an older girl with short, strawberry blonde hair. She was the one who was entertaining the first-years by levitating a frog on Cyrene's first day.

'You already lost Hufflepuff ten House Points?! We're in fourth place now. What happened?' she looked very disappointed.

'I'm sorry, but who are you, and why are you talking to me about House Points?' Cyrene asked.

'I'm your Prefect, Jane Court.' said the girl. 'It's a Prefect's job to keep order in the house, and help first-years like you with their problems.' she said. 'Considering what your brother did to Hufflepuff's reputation, I should have kept a closer eye on you.'

Cyrene knew this situation would make others talk about her brother and she tried to ignore it, but it was starting to slightly annoy her now.

'I know my brother broke school rules, and damaged Hufflepuff's reputation, but I want to be a credit to our house.' Cyrene said calmly.

'We all make mistakes, Cyrene. Of course, we don't all make mistakes that cost Hufflepuff ten House Points.' said Jane. 'In any case, Professor Snape already sent you a letter directly to our Common Room.'

'Why wouldn't he send it to me?'

'Probably because he despises you. Snape hates everyone, so I wouldn't take it personally, but I would read that letter immediately.' Jane pointed to an envelope on a table.

"Lennox, I have discovered evidence that your potion may have been tampered with. While it does not prove your innocence, it does cast some doubt on my belief that you are hopelessly incompetent. Bring me a jar of Pickled Slugs from the Potions storeroom, and I will consider returning your House Points. Snape." Cyrene read. 'There are directions to the Potions Storeroom at the bottom of the letter.'

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